Hi, all. Welcome to a new week!
More news on the Pale Male Story
Tiger Signature
Margobird - like all Osprey Watch Volunteers, I have no doubt that you will do Night Shifts - probably 2 of them in the week you are there and one of them will be at the end of your"day off"!!
OG - how do you get your larger print on your replies/entries?
Evening all: Very busy day today; plan to spend tomorrow in the garden.
Wendy: Great that you met up with Sheila.
Lindybird: Have fun moving the old washer (ours ktypically get taken away by the folks who deliver the new one).
Lynette: Hard to believe how much dust collects even when you vacuum regularly; good luck with your central heating folks.
OG: We have a tree that looks just like the "filo pastry" tree, but the peeled bark is very, very soft - like high quality suede or even velvet. Just wonderful to touch. Don't know what its name is...
Diane: Hope you're safe; hasn't been good in the Midwest again today.
Talk about fast migration! http://www.wired.com/wiredscience/2011/05/great-snipe-migration/
my photos in flickr
Unknown said: Talk about fast migration! http://www.wired.com/wiredscience/2011/05/great-snipe-migration/
Oh auntie that is real interesting. I was totally unaware of that tracking project.
Unknown said: Tiger "So it is the cuddly toy story? How ironic. Those on this board who have met me will smile at that! :)" Now I have an image of you being a short, cuddly, bearded professor-type - - but not sure about any stripes!
"So it is the cuddly toy story? How ironic. Those on this board who have met me will smile at that! :)"
Now I have an image of you being a short, cuddly, bearded professor-type - - but not sure about any stripes!
No I shaved off my bead twenty years ago! :) :)
I have just done the ironing. I find the ironing a very therapeutic thing to do. Does anyone else find that?
Hazel b said: I have just done the ironing. I find the ironing a very therapeutic thing to do. Does anyone else find that?
Tiger, if you say pretty please I can send my ironing to you LOL
Off to work shortly, have nice day all. And please be safe Diane
auntie It is strictly limited to one own's ironing. Anyway think of the carbon footprint!
Annette It is probably not a surprise. :) :)
Good Morning ALL. Our morning forecast has just told us that we will start off dry but we have been having, very welcome, light rain for the last hour. Started yesterday by going to the hairdressers, then watched OH play in a bowls match and then went out for dinner. I didn't see the news of Rothes until late last night.
Thinking about Diane and hoping she is safe.
OG, I have so enjoyed looking at your photographs. I love the ' Filo Pastry tree'. My sister-in-law has a gum tree in her garden, which she loves but does complain when it sheds it's large sheets of bark.
Good to see that Wendy and Sheila did manage to meet at LG'
Linda, It is so annoying that you have no way of complaining about your two year old washing machine.
Margo, You are so good and patient with Billie. I am so happy for you that your 'relationship' has proved so successful.
I must go and get some HW done as we are going to spend the weekend with Sister- in- law, but will be taking my laptop with me.