Hi, all. Welcome to a new week!
Rather interesting suite of webcams. Robin about to fledge. See here
Tiger Signature
OG I have just tried copying and pasting from Word using Tiger's Technical Test Thread and it worked for me no problem.
ChloeB & Tiger's Osprey Data
Good morning all and firstly may I say how worried I was for so many of you yesterday with the truly violent weather you suffered. Watched the newws several times and was horrified to see just how bad it was.
original goldfinch more wonderful photos, what a talent you have they always brighten my day. Sorry your garden suffered expecially after all thehard work you and OH put in. Thanks for tellinng me about the automated emails. Still haven't received any but I did get notifications for 2 person message I sent yesterday.
Annette pleased to read in your post that Delilah is just fine now and no allergies either. I go to LG on 11 June so I am keeping my fingers crossed that the volcanic ash will have disappeared by then. If not I will just have to go by train, there is no way I am going to miss out on my LG trip.
Lynette thanks for all your captures and photos. I admire all of you on here who have mastered the art. I have completely given up on that front. One day it might sink in for me but at the moment I am having enough trouble using the new site. Thanks for the capture of the Hampton eaglets have not looked for a while but you are right they are getting very big.
Lindybird so sorry to read about your elderly neighbour, so good of you to be so watchful thanks goodness you noticed when you did otherwide who knows what might have happened had she not been found for another ten hours. Good of you to support your friend too, hope she is getting better day by day.
Quietwoman sorry you bird feeders and bath have disappeared. It is a wonder there is anything left standing after those very frightening winds.
WencyB thought about you last night and wondered how you were getting on. What a relief that you were not without power for too long. Not surprised the birds were flying backwards, poor things took aright old battering yesterday.
Alan lovely pic of the squirrels.
Diane thanks I did see Tiger's message once I was told how to do it. Still fumbling around a bit but hoping that I am posting things in the right place. Hope you have not had any of that bad weather like they have had in Joplin.
Know I have not replied to all but hope you are all OK and things might get better posting wise once I am a bit more confident. I really miss not getting the automated email alerts but OG has said they are taking a day to arrive so hopefully that side of things will happpen soon. I find it much easier and for me it is much quicker to read through them each day and make notes as I go. Have a good day and for those still having bad weather I hope it will improve for you soon.
Aww that is so lovely Tiger :)
Parent just tried to tempt the youngster off the nest with food.
Never tried to do that ChloeB - I'd probably get in a muddle too. Stick to what I have found out is easiest.
RSPB Giving Nature a Home
Chloe: On the Technical Test Thread, your post of 11:51 A.M. appears in a different font. The type size is much bigger than the standard type. Is the Word Icon Box supposed to allow you to change font size? All posts should appear in the same font (type size). Right?
Does this make sense?
Hi Diane. The font and size look exactly the same as the posts to me. This is getting curioser and curioser :)
ChloeB said: Aww that is so lovely Tiger :)
Chick being fed at Rutland.
Awww thank you. Will have a look RIGHT NOW! :)
Brill! :)
Are those Whimbrels we can hear in the background?