Hi, all. Welcome to a new week!
Hi all - have been finding my way here for the last 2/3 days, but not had time to comment. Not too keen on the small type, or date format.
Annette - OK if I send my washing to you for the 100th load?!! Are you back to the whale watch tomorrow afternoon?
Diane - glad to see you here also
AQ - enjoy your trip to the Northern Hemisphere when you leave - ? Tuesday.
How does one get Bold print - tried clicking on "Use rich formatting", but got a blank page!!
Liz LFW: Nice to see you! Glad that you found us. Sorry, Annette is going to do my laundry next. LOLOL Regarding bold type, maybe I can help.
Hope that helps you and others!
Annette: Yes, I watched both shows. When Aliens Attack gave me the creeps. They presented this implausible idea that we couldn't defeat an extraterrestrial force with our best high-tech devices, but eventually we would beat them with low-tech, guerilla warfare. It defied logic and commonsense. But they kept hammering home the premise that Americans need to "get prepared!" for catastrophe and learn guerilla warfare. It seemed to have some veiled political agenda that I found very disturbing (especially after the death of bin Laden and the threat of retaliation).
I also watched Area 51 Declassified. Nothing mentioned about Roswell or aliens. It was mostly dedicated to Cold War history, and the development of top secret craft over the years at Area 51. It was fascinating to hear about their secretive lives and the intense security at the facility. However, they repeatedly congratulated themselves for the way they endangered the American public and then lied about it. At the end, they smugly laughed about the fact that they continue to withhold information and cover up what they are doing.
Strange night on National Geographic Channel.
I didn't hear the NPR report. Sorry I missed that one. Happy belated birthday to your husband.
AQ: Have a wonderful trip!!! I hope you have a smooth flight and the travelling goes well. I so look forward to photographs and commentary. We will miss you, but I'll be thinking about you off on your grand adventure!
OG: I loved that photo of the rocky coast. I'd like to have that in poster size for my wall. Beautiful!
Cirrus: I'm so pleased that you enjoyed your trip. I enjoyed reading your description -- very interesting and well written. Sounds like an absolutely glorious experience. Loved the Dartmoor ponies. Thanks for the info about the Horizon programs. I will check them out on YouTube. Love this stuff!
Annette: Enjoy your visit with your daughter. So nice to have you back. You were missed. Feel free to post more pics of DD!
Terry: Nice to see you back! Will look forward to hearing about your trip.Tiger: I envy you your trip to see the eclipse. I would have so enjoyed that!Wendy: I loved your description of your eclipse experience!MsTree: I also enjoyed hearing about your night sky experience! So special.Alan: Lovely nuthatch and gorgeous chaffinch. I'm glad Hamish is on the mend. Poor little fella.Trish 2: Glad the bees are more mellow. :-)Lynette; Loved the photos of the Morris men. Very colorful. Beautiful sunset photo!Hi Brenda and Joan!
Ok, I've got to shut down my computer. Thunderstorms are now here. Sounds like hail on the roof. I have a giant To-Do List for tomorrow. Sigh... Everyone have a good week!
Welcome back Annette. What a gorgeous bright-eyed sweetie is Delilah.
Welcome back Cirrus. I enjoyed your descript of Dartmoor. This may help you - I log on to http://www.rspb.org.uk/community/placestovisit/lochgartenospreys/f/915.aspx to get the list of threads. Sorry, haven’t time to learn "posh links".
EDIT Strange things happening
Yesterday family gathering for Dau#2’s birthday. Big Sister grumbled that Little Sister could only talk about the baby. She is due in October, yes, she is a girl. Miss15 was in a grumpy mood, mascara-ed black eyes hiding behind a loooong fringe. Master13 suddenly has a deep voice. I shall miss them. And I shall miss you ALL, judging by my loss while the upgrade was on. I fly out Wed just before noon (our time) - that would be 3.30 am UK time and Tues eve across the pond. Arriving Frankfurt 5.35 am. How uncivilized. Hotel room won’t be ready for hours. I’m trying to think of what I’ll need "on voyage" and for the first day as I shall deposit luggage in baggage room and sightsee until I drop! People keep asking OH how he will cope without me. He’s managed before! He’s even experimented culinarily in the past.
Just popping in quickly - finished laundry and ironing while watching latest DVD of Mad Men from Netflix - great show. So who's next in line with laundry? Indian dinner was a complete fiasco - OH and I arrived to find our pick of parking places, which was lovely 'til we realized the restaurant was closed on Sundays! What twits - we rarely go out Sundays so just assumed it was open.
Thanks all for nice comments about Ms. Delilah - my daughter kept telling me what bright eyes she had and I thought she was exagerating, but no! She really is a smiley little person.
OG: I didn't think I'd do the return trip in one day either, but I slept so well on the trip and felt so refreshed I decided that I really wanted to get home quickly once I started the drive. Was able to do 75 mph for much of the ride; not a lot of traffic either, with minimal slowing coming through Los Angeles. Stopped for an hour in Indio for lunch and to gas up and stretch my legs, then a quick stop later for coffee and a KitKat! Wasn't even tired when I got home.
Diane: I found that I can go to Rich Text after I've "replied" and add bold, italics, etc., before I actually hit Reply. I caught the tail end of Aliens - did sound a bit unrealistic. Thanks for the rundown on Area 51; it just started and doesn't sound like I'll miss much if I go to bed now.
AQ; I gather you're expecting a granddaughter! Wonderful! I missed if you have any others or if this will be the first. Have a wonderful time on your trip.
Will catch up with earlier posts in the next day or so. Take care folks!
AQ Have a safe journey and enjoy your holiday.
Tiger Signature
Thanks Tiger. I am not looking forward to the 25+ hour journey (2 planes & transit) but after that it should be great with food put in front of me, wonderful sights, no HW, etc, etc.
Annette - Dau#1 has 2 chn - Miss15 & Master13. So this is our 3rd g-ch. Apparently I am expected to go to g-parents pre-natal classes 'cos those running the classes say I would have forgotten what to do. hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha <cough splutter>
Good morning all
Back to work this morning after my break in N Wales. We had a tent on a site right by a beach near Porthmadog. We got the tent up OK but didn't have enough pegs to get the porch on ( new bigger tent - first time out) this was probably just as well since the weather was not too good - wind & rain. We were fine until Saturday night when the winds were terrific & finally at 6.30 on Sunday morning we got up early & took the tent down.
We were at Glaslyn on Saturday, saw the family on the screens and also saw the female taking a few short flights around the nest through the scope. We were chatting with some of the RSPB staff there, & they say that this years's chicks are bigger than normal.
Work time now.........will look in later & hopefully catch some nest action at LG (have to switch browsers still - using firefox for most but have to use IE for webcam )