Hi, all. Welcome to a new week!
Unknown said: Hi OG, I found you because I knew I would come to the right place if I looked at your recent activity, so that plan worked then!
Hi OG, I found you because I knew I would come to the right place if I looked at your recent activity, so that plan worked then!
Happy to help - especially to know it worked!
Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!
Lynette - you posted a picture while I was posting, just like last night! Glorious sunset! Didn't know you had already been to exotic destinations - I thought Sri Lanka was the first one!
Lynette I see that is Mauritius. Not sure if you know what happened in Mauritius back on 10 January 2011?
Tiger Signature
We were lucky sat on the middle l;ight house and the wind blew the clouds away. Some people took the boat to the north of Cornwall and saw nothing. It was the silence it was amazing. Just a once in a lifetime magical moment.
Annette and other US folks: Late tonight, National Geographic Channel is re-running an episode of Naked Science called, "Living in a Parallel Universe". The subject is "Exploring the possibility of parallel universes, as never before." I watched this program earlier in the week, and I was absolutely blown away. It's one of the best TV shows I've ever seen. It is, perhaps, changing my entire view of our reality. I highly recommend recording it. It's on at 2:00 AM my time; I don't know about your schedule.
I don't know whether you folks in the UK can watch this program? Back later to catch up with everyone else. OG and all: Great photos!
The following two were taken early evening today - not as good as some of yours folks.
RSPB Giving Nature a Home
OG - yes we went to South Africa and then had a few days in Mauritus - OH surprised me for our 40th WA . We had the holiday tailor made for us and it was a great success.
Tiger - not sure that I do, was it something to do with flooding or unrest.
Lynette D said: OG - yes we went to South Africa and then had a few days in Mauritus - OH surprised me for our 40th WA . We had the holiday tailor made for us and it was a great success. Tiger - not sure that I do, was it something to do with flooding or unrest.
It was this story. It shook the whole of Ireland.
I was at school with her father.
Unknown said: Annette and other US folks: Late tonight, National Geographic Channel is re-running an episode of Naked Science called, "Living in a Parallel Universe". The subject is "Exploring the possibility of parallel universes, as never before." I watched this program earlier in the week, and I was absolutely blown away. It's one of the best TV shows I've ever seen. It is, perhaps, changing my entire view of our reality. I highly recommend recording it. It's on at 2:00 AM my time; I don't know about your schedule. I don't know whether you folks in the UK can watch this program? Back later to catch up with everyone else. OG and all: Great photos!
On this side of The Pond we've had some amazing Horizon programmes about Reality and about Everything and Nothing. Two progammes to knock the socks off you Diane. Sounds very similar to your viewing. These programs are now on You Tube (of course ! :) ) just in case you fancy looking in.
Hopefully, once your program on Parallel Universe(s) has finished someone will upload it to You Tube and I'll watch it from there. Can't wait.
Evening all: Just waiting for 99th load of laundry to end so we can go out for Indian meal (it's OH's birthday - he spent it vacuuming while I scrubbed the kitchen floor, etc.)! Now have loads and loads of - yes! - you guessed it! - ironing!
Tiger: Awful story about your friend's daughter.
Diane: NG's Parallel universe program is on at 11 our time tonight; I'll record it since I'm off to see daughter in the morning and wave pix of DD under her nose. Are you going to watch Area 51 Declassified? It's on earlier, right before When Aliens Attack (???!!); not sure I"ll watch that. Re Area 51, apparently, an LA Times political reporter/contributor has written a book about it - she was interviewed by Terri Gross on NPR last week; sounded interesting. She apparently closed the book with a first-person account by one of the few remaining men who were there at the time of the Roswell Incident.
Hugs to everyone else - will respond more later or tomorrow! :-)