Weekly Chat, Sunday 22 May 2011

Hi, all. Welcome to a new week!

  • A windy morning here and only enough rain early this morning to just about dampen the patio.

    Diane, Thanks for starting the week.

    Tiger, Yes, miracles can happen. I had saved Kat's forum map but forgot to post it on here. Thank goodness you are awake.

    Annette, Your GG'Daugher is beautiful. What a joy she must be.

    Kate2, Loved watching your video. I don't think I could have stood and recorded it though. I would have just put the tortoise back on it's feet.

    Auntie, Hope you enjoy your day. Good to hear your weather has improved.

    Alan, You haven't said how Hamish is now ? Lovely photograph of your Welsh chaffinch.

  • Well, here I am back again and it seems like I’ve been gone 5 minutes.
    Hello everyone  : ) it’s great to ‘’see’’  so many of us are back together again.
    I’m still only able to get around two forums:   Daily Update and Chat, but they are the most important , and I only found them by clicking on friends avatars and viewing their latest activity until I spotted they’d been active on Daily Update (Lynette, I think that was yours) and  so I clicked on the link at the bottom of the page . Likewise I found the Chat page and then discovered Diane had sensibly put a link to the new Week. Thank you Diane.
    Is this how we are to find our way around ? Do we not have a whole page (or part page) of Threads any more?
    Anyway, how great to see our first wee humbug as Alan dubbed them on one page somewhere  !!   And I’m in time for the second and third hatchings. Awful weather up there though, my word, I do hope all goes well for EJ and Odin after all their hard work.
    Annette, Delilah is such a treat, bless her, congratulations to you all. Does this mean you are ‘back in the saddle’ too?  I thought you were going to Europe? For more that a week. Of course, to my sensibilites that phrase ‘’going to Europe’’ would mean trekking around several countries, ha ha. Did you perhaps mean just visiting your family over here (?) Golly, where is my brain, I seem to have lost so much information concerning the ‘’doings’’ of forum friends (sigh)
    Auntie – hello. So hope your visit to Pohtiolampi went (is going) well with many sightings of many Ospreys.
    Kate2  had a wide smile for your video of tortoises. What a (wipes hand over brow) ‘’phew’’ moment.
    Tiger -  I so enjoyed the video of the Faith at play – yes indeed, cute to the utmost. And the miracle !! oh, I found I was holding my breath LoL  . How absolutely wonderful that Palemale and Lola should have another family. I’m overjoyed. So agree with you Chloe about this superb news.
    Lindy – what wonderful news about the bees nesting in your birdbox !! Just great.
    Thanks Tiger for KatTai’s  map – that could indeed be useful. Thank you KatTai
    Alan welcome back . Super little Chaffinch chap . I’m still finding my way too.
    More later, just wanted to get back in  touch. Do so hope everyone is doing well. And that we haven’t ‘’lost’’ anyone.
  • Hi Cirrus!  Great to have you back!   We are all enjoying watching the 1st little Humbug, and waiting for the next hatching. Hope you've had a good time on your trip.

    It is harder to work out how to get around on here, its not as user friendly I think. You can find a whole list of our Group threads by clicking on 'Forum' at the top of this page,  - which just to confuse, is not in blue.

  • Cirrus  Welcome back. So much has happened while you been away.  We even got a new "house" :)

  • OG, Robin comes because I'm putting out dried mealworms along with other food , well maybe I'm just lucky. Get the blue tit, coal tit, chaffinches, sparrows and Uncle Tom Cobley and all.

    Just watchin cam whilst typing and EJ is head down for a quick snooze.

  • Our trip away day by day:

    Sunday last week, we were heading west into Galloway with occasional light drizzle.  We didn’t have a midday meal, but grazed our way along the A75 via various favourite tea shops!  We stopped off a wee while at a small community heritage museum in Creetown, which was very well presented.  After arriving at our B&B in Portpatrick, we drove down to the harbour area (too steep for me to walk).  The coast is rocky and the harbour is very small, although it used to be the main ferry point for Ireland - only 21 miles to Donaghadee - until superseded by Stranraer to Larne. 

    This is my favourite photo: 

    But we did see the inevitable Herring Gull:

    And what I think is a Rock Pipit:


    After a good dinner at a pleasant restaurant near the harbour, and a short wander around, we headed back uphill to unpack and get to bed – which was very comfortable.


    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • New house ?  Tiger ? How do I include a post in a reply. Sigh . Oh well. Expect I'm being less than swithced on here. New house?

  • OG - thank for your latest pics. I'm having a private smile here in regard to item 2 which you'll understand when I get around to posting one or two of mine  :)

  • OG   Those are lovely picture. Your mention of Portpatrick takes me back to primary school. I used to sit looking at my atlas working out the shortest route between Ireland and Scotland. You know I got ot right!

  • Unknown said:

    New house ?  Tiger ? How do I include a post in a reply. Sigh . Oh well. Expect I'm being less than swithced on here. New house?

    Sorry it is our new cyber "house" I was referring to. In other words the new forum. :)