Weekly Chat page, Tuesday, September 1, 2009

OK, let's see how this goes. Maybe use this page for general chat, which can include ospreys, but also non-osprey related chatter? It also doesn't have to be Daily, but time will tell. It may not take shape until after the Diary goes away.

As Carol noted, Tiger set up the "Tracking Rothes and Mallachie" page, which might be the best place for serious observations about our girls and their progress. There's also a "Tracking Other UK Ospreys" page .

In the meantime, we can twitter on about ospreys, dogs, guinea pigs, kids, vacations, etc., - and post poems - here without boring the "osprey only" members of the community.

Feel free to boo loudly and make suggestions if you see any problems. Thanks everyone!

  • Hi, Annette.  Hope your granddaughters move went well, these things are very stressful. We've all had the Christmas brochure from the RSPB, & several others besides, I suppose they all vie with each other to be 1st to get your custom, but its hard to think of it so soon when we still have summer flowers in the garden. There were mixed early/late goings on here in England yesterday, as it was what we call a Bank Holiday, so some stayed abed for a luxurious day off. Weather not bad, as recently its been really poor. Those at LG would still have been busy, tho, as the B. Holiday was not applicable to Scotland!

    Watched the efforts to keep the fires back in your part of the world, hope perhaps you have a little rain to damp  things down a bit.

  • I used to live in Sheffield - the Hillsborough area,  so the fact that Mallachie is close to one of my old stamping grounds I find particularly interesting.

  • I think that is an excellent idea Annette. A lot of us find it rather cold just to comment on a particular subject without a little "people" input as well. Would you be able to keep a new thread going, say once a week? I ask as your daily logs have proved such a hit.

    The fires look horrendous, I do so hope they will not come anywhere near you or your friends. Again thanks for all your posts, I have much enjoyed them (and the chit-chat, it never seemd too much to me). Liz


  • Just read on Richards blog, that she has been to the Strines, its a beautiful reservoir, she will have found plenty of fish there

    The more you rush, the longer it takes

  • Annette, just to say: I've left a note  on your personal page

  • So sorry if I'm driving everyone crazy with the title change.  Seems (in retrospect) to make more sense than a Daily setup. People are going to look at the title and think: "She doesn't know what she's doing."  Sigh. Please feel free to suggest improvements.

    Granddaughter moving to Arizona to be near - argggh - "very nice but...."  boyfriend. Looks like I may be making the drive with her since we have a truck big enough to carry her stuff. The desert in late summer? Not at the top of my list of things to do. Night all!

  • Hi Annette

    No the change of title doesn't throw me - it's a case of experimenting at the moment I think.

    Cirrus - I used to live in Sheffield too as a student, some years ago! and have vague memories of going out to Strines - possibly to the pub, not the reservoir!

    For those still "up North," Roy Dennis has posted this on his site:

     I will be giving my talk 'A Life Of Ospreys' to the Craven & Pendle RSPB group in Skipton on 9th September and to the Bolton Local Group on 10th September. Signed copies of my book will be for sale and I understand there are still places.  



  • Annette:  I think you have it right, & this format is going to work- that's my humble opinion, anyway. Let's see how it goes. Please don't feel you have to always be the one to blog, as I can see you have quite a full life!! as it is.

    My son went to Uni in Sheffield, and it seemed to me to be a wonderfully lively city, but with the advantage of great countryside all around, giving residents the best of both worlds. Go, Mallachie, go! keep on course & you will do just fine.

  • Hi beverybody, yes Sheffield has got lovely countryside, I've got a beautiful reservoir near me, if she wants to visit, how lovely would that be

    The more you rush, the longer it takes

  • Annette - A weekly chat room sounds about right - especially if the LG diary blogs dwindle a bit over the winter.  If it's the same as last year, there will be occasional postings there when anything notable happens, though I'll be more than happy with 'still fishing - no news', until we restart at LG next year.