Weekly Chat, Sunday 15 May 2011

Greetings all. Sunday, almost 9.45 am here. Gorgeous pics of flowers & cats & dog on previous thread.
Back later.

  • Hello all! So here we are "on the other side" now. Not sure if I like this new look but it will probably grow on me.  Just a brief post to try how this works and trying to add a pic of EJ this am

  • Good morning to everyone, just checking I could still get on to site through favourites. Walk Dillon in a few mins, then bus into town for appt. Coffee with a friend this aft, might try somewhere different for a change. Then both of us out for a church group meeting this eve. Seen the weather forecast for tomorrow and it isn't good. Our plans to go down to Loch an Eilein might have to be shelved. That would be such a shame as it would be a first since breaking my leg.

  • Morning all -  I'm just checking in too! Lovely sunny morning here, but still quite blustery. Back later.

    Joan - avid bird and nature watcher in Northumberland!

    Index Thread


  • Hello!  sunny here, too, but still a rather cold wind blowing.  Came on with mixed feelings, as I 'found' the new site last evening, and was not too thrilled - feel as if I've been put into a box or something, its not as intimate somehow and you can't see as many posts at one go on a page.....  I'm sure that some things will be faster so should be grateful for that.

    Off to see if I can get my washing machine fixed   :-(     -- it was making strange noises yesterday & getting stuck in one place on the programme, so don't know if its mechanical or the programmer that's gone - & I've only had it a couple of years, so its not old.

    Everyone have a good day, and Good Luck with this new site!

  • Well hello there everyone.  I'm here!!  Not sure I really like it at the moment.  Is it me, or is the print smaller?  I've also got a fussy background - telegraph wires etc which weren't there before.  But hey, we are all finding each other again, and that's the main thing.  Yes, the Rutland news was dreadful, particularly for the young.  I do hope those who did whatever they did are caught and dealt with.  I did read that Rutland folk were also urging those with nets over their ponds to ensure no osprey was caught.  I also read yesterday (or was it Tuesday?) that the first Scottish chick hatched at Tweed Valley.  Come on EJ!

    Just spotted the MS Word icon on the bar above, suggesting that you can copy and paste from Word and hopefully not get all that gobbledegook included!

    I had to laugh yesterday when watching Odin on Egg Duty.  The wind was pretty fierce up at LG.  He came in for his turn on Egg Duty and brought with him a particularly colourful and large piece of moss.  He settled down, a gust picked up the moss, rolled it across this back and way off the nest into the distance.  His face was a picture!

    Mrs M and her ducklings have walked to pastures new, but not before they found my pond - and I now have no tadpoles!  Well, that's nature for you.

    Off to find out a bit more.

    Birdie's DU Summaries 2018   https://www.imagicat.com/

  • Hi Sheila,  & anyone else who's on this morning.  forgot to say, lovely pics of the Starlings from Heron and Lynette, and also lovely pics of Pebbles, Lynette!

  • Now I'm going to have a go at posting a pic myself:

    --Hurray!  Lilac from my garden last month.

  • Good Morning to you ALL. Glad to say I have found you.

    I won't be around today as it is my OH's birthday and we are meeting our children and having lunch together. May catch up tonight.  

  • Good Morning to you ALL. Glad to say I have found you.

    I won't be around today as it is my OH's birthday and we are meeting our children and having lunch together. May catch up toight.

  • Have a lovely lunch, Brenda

    I've noticed that I have a No. 1 next to my name on My Page, but no idea if its a message or a Friend Request - I can't find out what it is, either! - there is no clue as to how to access it!