What The Loch Garten Group Has Meant to You?

In three days time the Loch Garten group comes to an end. I know we will continue to exist in another form but our group that has existed since July 2009 will be different.

So what has it meant to you?

To me it has been the most harmonious group I have known online. We have had a wonderful mix of osprey and general talk. It has all been self regulated in a most brilliant way.


  • It’s very hard to describe what the LG group means to me. It would surely leave a huge hole in my life if I couldn’t check the blog daily (or more often LOL). I have learnt so much - not just about ospreys, other birds & wildlife, but a wide range of topics from pets to geography to astronomy to recipes to . . . I could go on all day. Thank you to everyone for being such a harmonious group.

  • Oh - I would really miss everyone on the Daily Update and Weekly Chat pages. What a hole in the day if everyone weren't here.

    I found this site via the Peregrine Falcon cam at Lincoln Cathedral where I'd been the previous year with my sister and b-in-law (the cathedral has several still cams mounted around it and seeing the views reminded me of my time there with family). Anyway, then I started wandering around the web and stumbled across the LG cam and all the lovely people in our community.

    Hellen:  (Did I spell that correctly?)   Don't get lost in the changeover - we'll all be here.  Many of us are making "friend" requests on each other's pages in the hopes that, if we have aniy problems connecting after the new community pages are launched, we'll have a better chance to find the new LG threads

    Thanks Tiger for giving us yet another perspective on our group.  :-).

  • Thanks Tiger,as I have said before,

    I lurk, because you all have such wonderful inputs,that is so interesting to read and see all the latest info,Unlike other sites, where you have to wade through a load of unrelated comments.I dont mean to be rude and unsympathetic, when I mention that,it is just that the Heading is usually the interest in coming to the link, and not following a personal daily life history of members .Here  we manage a wonderful balance.

    Your information and up to the minute updates are invaluable.

    I do hope I manage to trace you all again next week, and will be allowed to continue enjoying reading and seeing your wonderful words of wisdom.

    Thank you all.



  • Thanks Tiger for starting  this thread. 

    Three years ago I never heard of Ospreys until a friend sent a link to  LG. I have been enchanted with  all the events each year. 

    The knowledge of Ospreys by  many people here is  truly amazing. I have learned to much about these magnificent birds. 

    I agree it is  a "very special" group of people.  I have two other unrelated forums where I participate and they do have   argumentative people from time  to time . Here every one  gets along and  accepts that  we are all from different backgrounds and countries and may see things differently . 

    One recent topic of the Eaglets that were  removed from the nest after the mother  was killed proved this. Some people were happy they were removed others including me  felt the father should have been given a chance to raise them.  But no one was  criticized for their view. That is rare these days. 

    Everyone here did their part to make this successful.  Who ever was available or had new information started the threads; those who know how to  take screen shots or  post videos did so so  those in other time zones could  keep up with the events. 

    I will definitely miss this group if we are  melded into a larger forum. 

    I don't know how the new  forums will  unfold, but It is going to happen so I am  looking for the  sunny side of the change. 

    When the center  set up this forum in 2009 we had to  figure how we wanted  to run it and  we may need to do the same with the new  forums 

    Thanks to each and everyone of you for making this forum a  wonderful place to visit. 

    Monday will be a sad day for me .

    Barbara Jean


    Formerly known as Barbara Jean

  • I can remember when I just used to read LG nest reports and there was no facility to ask questions or respond and then things gradually improved until we got this forum, where I met all you wonderful friends. As well as increasing our knowledge of the ospreys and other Bops, we have become so close and I just can't imagine life without you all. I want to thank those of you who organised our 'pages' and those who produce all the bird information and statistics/ records. I don't want to name names just in case I miss anyone out. Also a big thank you to you ALL for making this forum such a successful and friendly place, where we have also been able to share our happy/ sad times, family news, pets etc.

    We can only look forward to the new system now, but I feel sure that we will find a way of keeping  'Our LG Pages'.     

  • So it seems as if there is great affection for this group. Let us hope we can recreate the atmosphere in the new forum.


  • It is hard to put into words  - this group has become so much part of my daily life.  I feel I count for something here, where we are all equals, don't hold any grudges and can laugh and cry together over what life throws at us.  Of course, I appreciate the cameras and wildlife blogs - and especially ospreys - at LG and elsewhere, and the serious informative threads, but the appropriate Weekly and Daily threads of this Group, so ably managed by Annette and others, bond us together in  a more personal way.  I also enjoy learning from others as we share about our countries, regions etc ... and our own back gardens.  Thank you all, friends, for the time we spend together - long may it continue, just in another format and location!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Nice words and wise ones from Everyone   -  I thought, after I had written my long ramble here, that I had missed out a vital point -  So many people have been so very patient and generous with their enormous knowledge of both the Ospreys and other matters, including helping those of us who are not very 'techie' with the various methods of putting up pictures, finding threads, etc.   - Thank You All so very much, its much appreciated.