Daily Update (LG) Friday May 13, 2011

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  • That's ok. I pop in and out when I can. Looking after my mother at present , she's just been in hospital.
    Nice to catch up with everyone's pics, hope it all goes smoothly after the Big Change.

  • Indeed Chrisy - and I trust your mother picks up swiftly .

  • My apoogies to anyone I have requested to be my friend - I may have mistyped & put FIEND! 

    One Life - Live It!!

  • Valmc - that's wonderful. I really appreciate that   LoL

  • Just got back and thanks to DjoanS, Cirrus and Lynette for captures.  A real treat to look at these when I have been away for a while.  Has EJ had a fish today?


  • Brilliant.  Not only do we still have sound (with heaps of thanks to Richard and team), but OH has connected and done whatever one has to do to fit a new router and what a difference it makes.  Instead of 800k it is running at 1800k!! No continual 'buffering' of the webcam.

    I noticed last night there was mention of Odin busying himself on the nest while EJ was on Egg Duty.  She didn't want to have some exercise, so Odin had a go at The Stick.  Is it my imagination, or has it been moved - not out of the way but giving a bit more nest space?  Perhaps more room underneath it?

    EJ is on Eg Duty, dozing.  Her eye shut occasionally and slowly her head lowers.  Radio Chaffinch is singing away in the background.


    Birdie's DU Summaries 2018   https://www.imagicat.com/

  • Hi Margo. Hope you having a celebratory day today!

    Birdie's DU Summaries 2018   https://www.imagicat.com/

  • Hi SheilaFE OH at work but he is taking me out for a meal although I don't know where until we get there so no cooking for me tonight.


  • All very quiet on the nest.  I've had an eye on it while I caught up with chat.  EJ on the nest, Radio Chaffinch nearby, dry, wind seems to have abated a tad.  EJ just dozed off again and only woke as her head bumped on the nest!

    Birdie's DU Summaries 2018   https://www.imagicat.com/

  • ChrisyB said:

    There is a NEW BLOG...

    Full of exiting happenings,yesterday, before the sound came back on !

    Just read it, wow they did have some drama there - missed it of course as I didn't have my laptop on all the time. Nevertheless at least those schoolchildren were able to watch some drama - maybe some will take more interest in the life of the RSPB.

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