Evening all: EJ just got up to check her eggs (make sure none of them escaped!) and settled down again.
Fish delivery
Joan - avid bird and nature watcher in Northumberland!
Index Thread
Good sized fish from Odin. They are like a couple of book ends in this pic:
Hey guys. Wind blowing on the nest. Wayhay, well done LG team!!! We have sound Houston.
Edit: I spoke too soon, It's gone again. No, crackle crackle and I think it is there.
Birdie's DU Summaries 2018 https://www.imagicat.com/
Great pic Alan!
Hi Sheila - great to have sound isn't it! .... long may it last ... oooops its gone again!!!!
EDIT - its back ... maybe they are working on it :-)
WHAT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WE'VE GOT SOUND
YABADABA D00000000000000
Well, we did have briefly :(
Thanks Alan and am I imagining things but we seem to have sound and it would appear to be very windy at LG. Well it is coming and going a bit but definitely sound.
Morning all: Thanks for updates and pix - Alan Love the bookend photo.
I heard Radio Chaffinch :-))
DjoanS know I am not dreaming it now as I can hear Radio Chaffinch.