Hi everyone.Thanks for all the brilliant updates and pics in yestarday's thread.Sorry to say I haven't got a clue as to what's going on at LG just now. Sadly it seems that the webcam's not working. Had a picture a few minutes ago and now despite my best efforts I don't have one now :-(Paul.
Warning! This post contains atrocious spelling, and terrible grammar. Approach with extreme edginess.
Stand by !
Lovely pix posted this morning - thanks all! :-)
Cirrus: Thank you - guess there's no good time to upgrade software. :-( But what on earth is "future proofing" and I can get one?
Nope Annette, I suppose there isn't but four days before hatching of egg the first , well, :( things might go wrong
They say the change to new soft ware will take 3 days . Anyone who has work for a company that changes their soft ware knows it will take more time to work out the bugs. I wonder why they didn't do this change in the 4-5 weeks between the eggs being laid and hatching.
It says we will have new URL's and old book marks won't work. Anyone who only comes here periodically until the eggs hatch may be lost in the change.
Does anyone know if the Web Cam will work?
The 2011 season will be remembered as the year of frustration. No sound, no still camera and now this .
Formerly known as Barbara Jean
No Barbara And agree about software bugs. Even better, why couldn't they do all this in September. 2011 season down the tubes.
My thoughts precisely Cirrus. Why not between Sept and March. Presumably the decision comes from Sandy HQ, and surely they doesn't rely solely on summer seasonal staff? I just hope the webcam isn't turned off too. Will have to check out the FB page, if I could remember where to find it! Gary!!!
Birdie's DU Summaries 2018 https://www.imagicat.com/
http://www.facebook.com/RSPB.Operation.Osprey Official FB
http://www.facebook.com/topic.php?topic=15352&post=206975&uid=21788673077#post206975 bloggers FB
Well, I'm off to work now. Later ................. :)
Thanks Cirrus. I'll keep the link just in case!!