Happy Mother’s Day to all mothers. I hope you all have a great day.
Do check back to last week's chat for OG's gorgeous wildflower garden pics And Lynette's pics of Dunedin & Hampton eaglets.
Linda - I love your pics of Tatton Park, especially autumn.
Alan -24 handbags!!!! Must be related to our Dau#2 who collects shoes & handbags. Me, I have one all-purpose go-everywhere shoulder bag. Plus the gold one OH gave me decades ago and saw the light of day at the weddings.
Brenda, Linda, Lynette, Joan, OG - On my first trip o/s I had a list of what to take. It helps remind me not to forget vital things like eye drops, film (nowadays it is memory cards & battery charger!). When I returned I noted what I didn’t use and now I check the amended list, pruning every trip. Why drag excess around? Invariably my room in B&Bs was on 2nd or3 rd floor. Besides I may buy things, such as jumpers - that’s my weakness. Stupid really because I knit them and the wardrobe is bursting. So, OG, I shall choose one of them. And camera almost lives in said all-purpose bag!
Joan - I heard a story of a local teacher who had 7 children in her class named "Amy" but all spelled differently.
Cirrus Here is the proof that you are a friend (A bit counter intuitive I know)
Tiger Signature
PATRICIAT So sorry you will not be going to Nethy. Know how much you look forward to it. not selfish at all. I would be indulging in a massive sulk in your place!!!!
Hello all
Just a quick update - sorry for being away lately but I have been on nest watch most of the time as I only have two other watchers. Daytime is well covered but nights are usually mine & with having to earn a crust in between, time has been a bit limited.
Anyway, all is well at osprey hq despite torrential rain & high winds. The rebuilt nest is bearing up well & has been added to by XL & M.
I was very worried about M last week as he had an injury to his chest. He flew into a branch which pierced the skin. However he continued to catch fish daily although they were all much smaller than usual. The injury now seems much improved & is clean & dry & fish sizes are getting bigger. XL is settled & incubating most of the time.
Generally intrusions have been less apart from an unringed osprey which appears occassionally but no agression from XL or M. The intruder just circles the nest for a few moments then flies on.
I would however say that I think the long winter has taken its toll on raptor numbers locally with nowhere near the sightings of previous years. Our 1st snow was 31st October & we had snow or ice until the beginning of April.
Hoping to get some more pictures onto website tonight after evening watch so more soon
Val x
One Life - Live It!!
Valmc Thanks for the update. Any further news of Baldrick?
Margobird That was amazing footage. It does not seem easy to link it anywhere though.
MARGOBIRD How nice to read all the antics that Billie gets up to. How her life has changed in the last few months. She certainly camped out in the right garden. Only a month to go before your trip to LG.
PATRICIAT... Must admit I agree with Annette about going to Nethy. I just didn't like to say how I felt
Oh, thank you Tiger - I think I've sussed it
one only gets a ''view ALL my friends'' on ones own page but visitors to friends' pages don't see this link: 'view all my friends''. Does that make sense?
or maybe this is one of the many small items that willl be corrected under the software upgrade.
All I know is, that when I visit your page Tiger (for instance) I see Margo OG Liz Brenda Kelly AQ Auntie Lynette Emma but no link to your other pages of friends ,so that was why I was wondering.
Thank you friend :)
AQ Lived in Germany for 2 years and explored as much as poss. Presume you will be visiting the Black Forest. Visited Austria but didn't get to Vienna unfortunately. You must be so excited about your trip.
ValC thanks for your update. Glad to see the nest is bearing up and being added to despite the horrendous weather. Pleased to see that M recovered from his injury ande back to normal again. Think you could be right about the weather taking it's toll. Will probably find out just how much damage it has done to the raptor population.
Cirrus That is right. I have just counted and seem to have a grand total of 41 friends.
Friends are a double edged sword. A while ago I was convinced that my friends on Facebook had gone down by two but I could not for the life of me work out who had gone. After two weeks I suddenly realised who was no longer prsent. It did not bother me too much.
More worryingly a relative of mine unfriended me about a year ago. I have absolutely no no idea why. I have chatted to them on the telephone and the the subject has never been mentioned. Had Christmas cards as normal. Just the unfriending on FB has not been mentioned.
More frightening was when I discovered I had blocked a friend on Twitter without know it. However A quick communication sorted that one.
I could go one but I won't! :) :)
Hazel b said: Valmc Thanks for the update. Any further news of Baldrick? Margobird That was amazing footage. It does seem easy to link it anywhere though.
Margobird That was amazing footage. It does seem easy to link it anywhere though.
No more sightings of Baldrick unfortunately - he was such a magnificent osprey!!
Tiger - I may have missed this somewhere but is there any news from Glaslyn - any hatch yet?