Daily Update ( LG) May 7, 2011

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  • Good moring Sheia FE Odin does make me smile, alwa loathe to give up hi duties.


    Alan thanks for changeover clip.


  • Alan:  Thanks for the changeover clip.

    EJ looks very patient at the moment.  Probably listening to Radio Chaffinch.


    Warning!  This post contains atrocious spelling, and terrible grammar.  Approach with extreme edginess.

  • Seemless changeover a moments ago.  Odin did a brilliant hovering movement when he landed.  Looked really funny LOL.

    Warning!  This post contains atrocious spelling, and terrible grammar.  Approach with extreme edginess.

  • 14:04 - EJ returns.


  • 14:17 - Odins back.

  • EJ returns ... and dumps a small stick on top of Odin's wing ... a good way to shift him it seems!

    Joan - avid bird and nature watcher in Northumberland!

    Index Thread


  • It looks a little breezy up at the nest, but dry (only a few drops of rain to speak of down here, sadly).  EJ is keeping a look at all around her.  An interesting piece on the Wildlife Village site about LotL yesterday  "06.15  -  Laird lands on the nest with some fish, Lady shouts but does not get up off the eggs. Laird starts eating and then feeds Lady for 8 mins. The fish has gone and he flies off. Definitely an aah moment"

    Have we ever known Odin, or indeed OVS or Henry, to feed EJ.

    Birdie's DU Summaries 2018   https://www.imagicat.com/

  • Huh. Had to sign in for the first time in ages - what's going on?  Anyway, Sheila: Thanks for LOTL post - that's interesting.  Margobird: Aha - thanks for explaining about the post to LG re sound; doesn't sound good for the rest of the season. :-(   Easy to miss things when we can hear what's going on while ironing, doing other things, etc...

  • Looking in for first time today.

    Welcome back Barbara Jean and glad you can now log into us after the difficulties before.

    Thanks folks for the updates and pics.

    SheilaFE - that certainly was an ahhhhhhhhhhhh moment , glad you witnessed it. I can't recall Odin ever feeding EJ.

    EJ has just had a stretch, egg turning, and has now settled back on the eggs, looking around her ever alert and seems to be panting.  Although it looks dull up there maybe it is quite warm too.

    Not panting, must have just had her mouth agape, now normal.

  • Lynette Lovely captures.  Sadly I didn't witness the Laird feeding Lady, I merely quoted from the Wildlife Village. http://wildlifevillage.co.uk/    It would indeed have been super to have witnessed it.  I think it must be warm at LG, EJ had been panting not too long ago and the sun has been out.  There must be a lot going on around and about.  She seems to be watching/looking in all directions, taking in the views!

    Birdie's DU Summaries 2018   https://www.imagicat.com/

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