Hi everyone.Many thanks for all the brilliant updates and fantastic pics on yestarday's thread :-)
EJ's awake at the moment, with that look on her face that makes me think there's probably a squirrel snoring very loudly nearby ;-)
Warning! This post contains atrocious spelling, and terrible grammar. Approach with extreme edginess.
Not sure where it came from, herself perhaps??, but EJ was moving around something very light, and very white and I think it was a feather! It is currently to her rhs as she looks eastward.
Birdie's DU Summaries 2018 https://www.imagicat.com/
Mmmmm. Well, EJ is moulting Sheila so I think you are right. A feather .An ''under'' feather. Dunno what the correct term would be.
Fish delivery.
Well that was quick. EJ was up, got to the fish and is away. That *** stick really does get in the way!
Odin is back on the eggs, and the feather in now in the corner of the picture!
Just logged on again to see Odin settling on the eggs. Thanks Sheila - just read there was a fish delivery!
Joan - avid bird and nature watcher in Northumberland!
Index Thread
DjoanS It all happens so quickly, that without the sound it is so easy to miss!
Well spotted Sheila - thank you.
Hello DJoan. The first fish as far as I know
Odin having a quick peen
Thanks for the fish delivery notices and pics, friends. :-)
Oh yes, how big , roughly, was the fish Sheila ?