Weekly Chat, Sunday, May 1 2011

  • A pic of Tatton Park I took a few years ago, for those who do not know it...

    There is a small Stately Home there which is open to the public (for a fee!)  and this is the Mere, which was created artificially many many years ago, for the wealthy family who lived in the house.


  • Another pic of the Park, taken in autumn:




  • Lovely Lesser Spotted Eagle pic, Alan.   By the way, a woman can't have too many handbags!  that's a fact.   I seem to have quite a few, as folks often come to me to borrow something to match this or that for events- so I suppose I must have a lot - darn't count them though!

  • Just looking in. Not much going on here. On my own. Dau took her dad to the rugby - last match of the season - and is hanging around in town ready to pick him up again.  Finds he can't walk as far until this vascular problem is sorted.

    Managed to defrost both freezer and the freezer attached to the fridge this morning, had a break and then we took some items to the tip. Lunch, shower, do hair, now wait for OH and dau to come home. Unfortunately Saints were losing to Leeds at half-time , I wonder what the score is now. Must check in a few mins.

    AQ - hope the trip lives up to your expectations and indeed you do travel light. I always say I will cut down on clothes taken on holiday, try, but am usually unsuccessful and always take far too many.  Off to France for a week at the end of June so will probably pack all but the kitchen sink.  Mind you we are going self-catering so I always take a few home comforts with me whenever we do SC.

    EJ is sitting comfortably now after a wee fidgit and some more egg turning - always alert and watching whats going on.

  • Quick look in (wasn't going to do it but.....)

    Alan: 24 handbags! Good grief. I have just the one classic leather bag and a tiny black leather thingie for evening's out for Driver's Licence, credit card, cell phone, etc. Also wear very neutral shoes/sandals that coordinate with purse. I'd lose even more stuff if I had to keep swtiching bags! Lovely pix of Estonia eagle.

    Margobird: Glad today had a better start. I can't resist swings either - also love carousels! Re LOTL, I wonder if the SWT folks got a hair up their nose because so many pix/posts of LOTL were showing up on the RSPB site??? Just a random thought....

    Lindybird: I see that you and Lady P are helping keep Jimmy Choo et all in business.  :-)  Had to smile at your note to George re "chesty" - haven't heard that expression for eons. We will have to pay for the car at Lake Cachuma tomorrow - it's a big camping/fishing/boating (small quiet craft only) destination, but nowhere close to park and walk. Tatton Park looks quite wild, will have to check it out on Google.

    Off to put on old togs and go see what our naughty mole has been up to while we slept. Grrrrrr!


  • 3 chicks now for Bea and Jasper at Hilton Head:


  • Evening all ... I am playing on my new laptop ... trying to find my way around! Everything is taking three times as long :-)) The desktop is having big problems the last couple of days .. I think it may have to be 'seen to'.

    Alan -fingers crossed for Hamish when he returns to the vet on Monday ... poor thing... but glad he seems to be feeling better. 24 handbags for LadyP ... I wouldn't have room for that many ... I tend to stick to one small and one large!

    Diane - I am still giggling when I think of your Tarzan impression! Don't overdo all the work on projects around your place.

    AQ - I managed to decipher all the child names ... but those poor kids! I came across a few peculiarities when I was teaching, but none that daft :-) I do remember one poor child called Brian ... whose parents registered him for school as 'Brain' ... his brother Stephen was registered as 'Sheppen' ... oh dear!! How lovely to have your trip to look forward to .... I only travel that light if I'm going by Ryanair!

    Linda - I did manage to spot the correct Buzz in your picture .... Tatton Park looks a lovely place.

    bjane - good to see you posting on here ... drop in whenever you have time.

    OG - fingers crossed for your grand daughter in her exams ... York is one of my favourite places. A talented girl to pass her Grade Five keyboard in only three years.

    We have had some heavy rain showers today and more promised for tomorrow. I never thought I would be pleased to see rain ... just as long as it knows when to stop!

    Thanks to everyone I haven't mentioned for chat etc ... I have enjoyed reading everything.

    Take care.


    Joan - avid bird and nature watcher in Northumberland!

    Index Thread


  • Sudden weird storm last night as we were going to bed – roaring wind, then really heavy rain –“coming down like stair-rods” as my Father used to say.  Looked out and saw water running down the road – too much for the drains to take – then thunder and lightening – but whole thing was over in about 20 minutes!  I’d had what I call “a thundery headache”, and had predicted a storm, but there was as much rain in that short while as in the whole of two days leading up to it!

    Had a good lazy day out today – enjoyed Science Fair, had a good lunch at garden centre, not particularly impressed by Open Greenhouse event and were quite restrained with money there!

    Diane – I am so pleased you allowed your Bunnies time to munch through the clover before mowing!  I started to reply here re Science Fair, Gorse and Moorland fires etc, but it was getting too long, so have copied it to an email!  So lovely to imagine you being overcome by the Tarzan spirit and having fun and freedom swinging on that vine!!  I hope that your very busy weekend is going well.

    AQ – you sound so organised re your trip – even to the extent of choosing books to pack!  Sorry about the jumper – do you have a second-favourite, or will you need to buy one?  Don’t forget your camera!

    Annette – I haven’t managed to get on Steve’s site since last night. I hope it’s only a tech problem and nothing serious with him or the truck.  I hope you will have a lovely lake cruise with your daughter tomorrow – and, as with AQ – don’t forget the camera!!  Sorry about the Mole!

    Cirrus – I hope the hike was good and not too wet.

    Alan -- pleased the patient had a comfortable night and ate breakfast – hope he is still feeling okay – and will not complain about dressings change on Monday.

    Lindy – especially loved the Tatton Park in autumn photo with the lovely tree colours.

    Joan – another PC with problems – good job you got that lap-top!  I hardly ever use a handbag, but have one blue one (but nothing to match it – it was bought in late1980’s for daughters’ weddings), one smart black one for “evenings” and three which were “free” with other things!


    Three pictures from the cottage and wildflower garden visited last Sunday.  One looking down Wigtown Bay into the Solway, next up the Bay into the Galloway hills, and the third across the Bay.




    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Try again , just lost what I'd written , think I pressed wrong key.

    Alan - great news about Hilton Head

    OG - love those garden pics.

    Just looked in on Hilton Head - mum covering the chicks at present. Feeding time at Dunedin and Hampton eaglets getting some exercise.Just got back from OH taking me out for supper. We went to one of the local villages about 10 mins away from us to a nice pub which we have been to before. Lovely meal. I had whitebait, OH had ham and eggs and both of us had a sweet. Now feeling full.

  • Starting new thread