Daily Update ( LG nest) Wednesday April 20, 2011

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  • Thanks for the confirmation of the 3rd egg. I was fairly certain last night but did not manage to get a glimpse of them. Congratulations to EJ and Odin.

  • Wow!! three eggs. EJ and Odin are certainly a productivew pair. Long may they prosper and lets hope the fishing is easy. It's heartbreaking when the youngest is lost.

    Thank you all for your updates and the superb clips and pics.

    The mind is like a parachute, it doesn't work if it's not open.

  • QW  Nice to see you here. It has been a while.

  • I've been off doing things, and now I come back and I'm sure there's been a changover, as its EJ on the nest now - looking alert but happy on her eggs.

    Nice to see you again, Quietwoman.

  • Odin just arrived with a flourish, and possibly some moss - hard t o see.

  • -- and he's gone again.

  • EJ looking all around, as if watching where he has gone.  She gets up and inspects the eggs, makes a small adjustment, then settles down on them again.

  • Odin is back again with more moss!   EJ looks at him as if to say "where on earth are we going to put that, we have plenty already"

  • Off he goes - EJ ducks as he takes off just next to her head.

  • Good morning all and what a fabulous start to the day with EJ and Lady having now laid their third egg.


    Gary thanks for the vid of E Jshowing us her 3 eggs, loved the way she gave herself a good shake ater her work before settling down on those very precious eggs.


    Annette, Cirrus and Kelly thanks for the captures, the ones taken in the early morning mist are just lovely, what beautiful colours.  Also many thanks to the night shift for talkig us through the nitght.  Hope Heron actually managed to go to bed eventually.


    DjoanS I agree 3 eggs is enough, we know EJ and Odin  have been very successful in raising 3 chicks, now patience is required until they start to hatch and so the wonderful story goes on.


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