EJ looking nice and comfortable on the eggs just now. Looks like she's using a clump of grass for a pillow. Fantastic innovation! :-)
Warning! This post contains atrocious spelling, and terrible grammar. Approach with extreme edginess.
Cirrus: Sound job!
ChloeB & Tiger's Osprey Data Site
Sat track schedule Spring 2014
LG 7 days; RW & SWT nil; LDOP varies
Thanks DjoanS : I watched that cam last year and they seem to have started earlier this time.
Thanks for the link DJoan - I've just seen an Osprey grab a fish too :)
Nice pun JSB :)
Thanks DJoan, was going to post that myself and forgot. The picture quality is so much better this year.
ChloeB & Tiger's Osprey Data
Popping in quickly to see EJ is sitting comfortably on the nest. See there has been a fish delivery?
Thanks for the posts and pics;
Back later as have to go out and sort a car out for dau. who had a car accident last night.
RSPB Giving Nature a Home
DjoanS said: Thanks for reporting it Cirrus! Wrong thread I know ... but osprey-related ... I've just been watching osprey fishing on a webcam in Finland ... brilliant! http://www.saaksisaatio.fi/en/ospreycenter/saaksenseuranta/webcam.htm
Thanks for reporting it Cirrus!
Wrong thread I know ... but osprey-related ... I've just been watching osprey fishing on a webcam in Finland ... brilliant! http://www.saaksisaatio.fi/en/ospreycenter/saaksenseuranta/webcam.htm
DjoanS thanks for that link had a look and managed to see and osprey dive into the water, how lucky was that.
Good morning all HW done and a quick visit into town accomplished now down to osprey watching. Shame about the sound and thanks Cirrus for finding out what was wrong. Won't hear when fish arrive or Odin comes back for a changeover but I am sure they will fix it as soon as they can.
Thanks Lynette, Sandy, DjoanS, Diane and Cirrus for all the pics. Heron love your nightime commentary and captures and early morning ones are just beautiful.
Heron I think it is you on the Wildlife Village blog as you seem to wowing them with your humour there. This must a full time occupation for you.
Thought it looked a bit damp at LG when I logged in but the sun is out now, I believe there will be showers today. EJ sitting on the nest looking round for Odin I think to come and take over. When the sun is shining it shows up the lovely colours on her back, she is truly beautiful.
So EJ laying in 2 hours and 6 minutes then eh? :)
Tiger Signature
Odin brings in a fish...
Odin brings FISH. EJ flies off with it.