EJ looking nice and comfortable on the eggs just now. Looks like she's using a clump of grass for a pillow. Fantastic innovation! :-)
Warning! This post contains atrocious spelling, and terrible grammar. Approach with extreme edginess.
A spider, or a moth, or something is doing a fantastic acrobatics and lights show just now. EJ awake but settled on eggs.
I think EJ look like she's deep in thought in this pic. I wonder if she's thinking about a third egg :-)
Light creeping over the horizon, making LG look like an old film. "They Returned in '54. Starring Odin and EJ. Special guest appearance by a pair of Crossbills. Radio Chaffinch, as himself"
Page is acting odd tonight, with the "timeout" error thingy appearing every time I hit "post". Think it might be in cahoots with my wi-fi connection :-( Glad I saved the LG Ospreys group page in my bookmarks.
Evening Heron: Thanks - again - for starting the thread and the commentary! :-) Looks like almost-broad daylight at LG with EJ still planted on eggs. I just came home past avocado and citrus groves with the moon rising huge and golden over the trees. Off to check other threads...
Hi Annette :-)Sounds like you had a lovely journey home. Couldn't see the moon in my neck of the woods. Cloud cover :-(I think the day cam will be on any minute now at LG.
Day cam at LG.Looks like a pretty dreich morning. EJ brightens things up though :-)
Hello Heron and Annette
I walked home from work last night with the moon rising huge and orange over the far distant Cotswolds !!
Still having problems with security programs - they are supposed to protect my computer not cause me headaches !!
Anyway, are we sure there is no third egg yet. Currently, Odin is sitting .
Good morning, all. Still two eggs for EJ.
Hi, Annette, Paul, and Cirrus!
Morning Cirrus: I see we have color (have had it for a few minutes actually) at LG - was on the Weekly Chat page. Anti-virus, etc., programs can be a royal pain! I have McAfee, which came with the computer; OH has Norton, which was causing a lot of problems at one point.
Off to bed. Happy watching folks!
Morning Diane - all getting the Timed Out page befor the comment do actual post , sigh