Weekly Chat, Sunday, April 17, 2011

Evening all: Just off to check recent posts.


  • Lindy: Ah, so you have extra fangs, too?! LOL I think I'm a vampire; I always want to stay up nights and sleep during the day. LOL Very funny Monday smiles! Thanks! We're supposed to have thunderstorms for the next six days, so I'll try to send you some rain for your garden. :-)

    Brenda: Glad you're feeling better!

    Liz LFW: So nice to see you!

    Wendy B: Lovely photo!

    Cirrus: Good morning to you. Have a good day!!!

  • Morning all ... I wasn't around much over the weekend ... two lots of visitors on Sunday, coupled with the beautiful weather to blame! Its not sunny this morning, but very pleasant. I am trying to sort and clean out the conservatory while it is cooler ... but I keep being interrupted by sounds from the nest ;-)

    Linda - thanks for the Monday Smiles!

    Diane - well done for sorting your tax return ... enjoy the chocolate, sounds like you deserve it!!

    Annette - hope your ear infection clears up quickly ... not pleasant.

    Wendy - lovely photo ... I remember the one in the snow.

    Tiger - great quiz ... thanks.

    Brenda - glad to hear you are feeling much better.

    margobird ... I see you think Billy might be Billie .... he/she has certainly found a loving home with you and your OH.

    Thanks to everyone else for chat etc. Must go and sort some more stuff!

    Take care.

    Joan - avid bird and nature watcher in Northumberland!

    Index Thread


  • Good morning all and it is a wonderful day here again although we do really need some rain now but not looking very likely at the moment.  It makes you wonder if this is our summer, hope not but we will see.


    Annette Look after yourself with that ear infection as these can be really nasty.  How kind of you to give those poor people a lift home.  Posting a bit about Billie below.


    Brenda H we think Billie has been seen to and that is what confused us, need to learn about a cat's anatomy I think.  As soon as we think we can get him indoors and settled we will take her to the vet.   Pleased to read you are feeling better.


    Patriciat sounds as though you enjoyed your day yesterday.  How is your OH now?


    WendyB lovely photo and I remember well how it looked earlier this year.


    trish2 I am with you on an update about Toffee.  Perhaps when Gary looks in and sees our request he will put something on for us.


    Lindybird  how did son's girlfriend do in the Marathon?  Thanks for the Monday Smiles so very sweet.


    We had a very busy day in the garden yesterday but OH made me come in mid-afternoon to get out of the sun.  It was so nice out there with all the birds singing, made for a very pleasant day.


    As I said Billie (notice new spelling and now have to get used to she rather than he) spent the whole day with us.  At one stage she made our big flower tub a bed and slept for a couple of hours in that.  At the moment she is sunning himself on the carport roof with her legs dangling over the side.  I talked about her new des res and it is one for indoors when she takes the final step. It is shaped like an igloo with the door open and is lined with fleece.  We got her some flea treatment just in case and some worming medication but as soon as we can get her into a pet carrier we will have her checked out by a vet.  Going to try and put a collar with name tag on her tonight, whether we will be successful first time we don't know but as long as we are patient with her it will go on eventually.  We always go out in the garden just before we go to bed because Billie is always there.  Make a fuss of her and last night she went in the garage while we were out there and being inquisitive she got herself up into the storage space in the roof of the garage.  We will have eto make doubly sure now that she isn't there when we lock up.


    Hope everyone has good weather today and take care.




  • Another lovely sunny morning, but we could have some showers overnight.

    Annette, Sorry you are having ear problems. Hope it clears up, if not ,it sounds as if a visit to the doctor may be necessary.

    Linda, Thanks for the Monday smiles. Hope the fangs are now back to normal.

    Diane, You definitely deserve some chocolate after completing your tax return. I received the grand sum of a £13 rebate recently for overpayment last year.

    Joan, I am trying to do the same as you. HW and listening to the computer. All very quiet on the nest at the moment.

  • Diane you certainly deserved chocolate after the stress of filing tax info.  I am lucky OH does mine for me being an accoutnant and I hever had a tax return until I retired which seems so strange to me as I do not have a large income now, just the State pension and 3 smaller pensions which I paid into which are negligible.


    BrendaH they actually sent me a small bill for tax they say is due but they are incorrect but OH says it is such a small amount that we are not going to worry about it until we file this year's tax returns.  They got it right last year and nothing has changed since then so a bit bemused I have to  say.


  • Margo, I have taken note of how to spell Billie now. Sounds as if she is getting rather too adventurous in the garage. I can understand why you shouldn't stay in the sun too long. Something we should all practise. I wear my garden hat and suncream, as I can burn quickly.

  • BrendaH it is going to take me a while to get used to Billie and she as opposed to the other way. 


    I can never understand people who lay in the sun all day with no protection whatwoever and then wonder why they feel ill and sore.  There are enough warnings now about skin cancers and as someone who has had quite a few removed I know just what is it like.  Some of the worst offenders are those with children sadly.


  • Margo, Our daughter has just had a tax bill for £1200, dating back to 2007 to 2009. OH is going through all her papers and has also found items that she hasn't claimed for.  At the moment he reckons they are wrong but is still working on her papers.

  • Margo: That's weird that you never had to file a tax return until you retired. You'd think it would be the other way around, and you wouldn't have to file now! That's great that your OH completes your forms for you. Would he do mine next year? LOL

    Brenda: 1200 pounds?!! OUCH! That's $1953 US dollars. That would hurt -- a lot. I was complaining bitterly and loudly (to myself!) that I had to pay $355 to the state of Indiana for my Dad's taxes. He only had social security and a small pension. Maybe I'll just consider myself lucky that it wasn't more!

    I did a lot of swearing last night. I spent 2 hours looking for the tax receipt for the new energy efficient furnace I had installed. I was promised that I could get a tax credit because it's so much more efficient. After I finally found the bloomin' receipt with all the data, I read that the government had changed the law this year, and mine no longer qualifies for the tax credit. GRRRRRR!

  • This morning, I was dive-bombed by a red-winged blackbird who thinks my mailbox is too close to his nest. I argued that my mailbox was there first, but he was not at all persuaded. LOLOLOL