Weekly Chat, Sunday, April 17, 2011

Evening all: Just off to check recent posts.


  • Margobird So sorry to hear of your sister's dilemma.  I can understand her family feeling they would like her to try every option but it's her body and she's the one who has to suffer the discomfort with no guarantee of success.  My thoughts and prayers for her, her family and you.

    Lindybird Glad Buzz seems a bit better.  I'm sure even digestive biscuits wouldn't account for the weight gain if there was anything seriously wrong.  my sister and B-i-L have 2 labradors, one of which was diagnosed with a rare cancer when they returned from holiday last May.  Sister has been giving her various homeopathic and herbal remedies and she (the dog) is still around and in good form, despite the vet giving her '4 weeks or 4 months'!.


  • Good Friday – good morning to all.  Early weather forecast had been downgraded from Sunny to Sunny Intervals – already revised back to Sunny – they must have looked out the window!  Three more loads of washing pegged out this morning, and seedlings from greenhouse moved to plastic mini-greenhouses to begin “hardening off”.  So now have space to sow more this afternoon.  No GF service at our church, but last week Palm Sunday at Son’s church covered GF as well as they also don’t have one today.


    Annette – belated congratulations for Thursday – glad you enjoyed the celebration meal with OH.  High pollens warnings here – can taste it in the air – penalty for good weather!

    Auntie – good to “see” you again – sorry you have to work so hard, but pleased you have Osprey time too.  I hope you get to see them “in the flesh” at Pohtiolampi tomorrow.

    Lindy – pleased you are not so worried about Buzz right now – and weight gain sounds promising – but as you say could be attributed to Auntie’s biscuits – or the cheese and toast/porridge treatment!  I hope his health will continue good after the treatment, and that your own new medicine will be effective for you.  A brave decision by your friend re chemo – and not a nice op to look forward to on Tuesday.

    Lynette – I do hope your daughter will feel better when she actually gets behind the wheel again on Saturday.

    Margo – sorry about fridge-freezer – why do these things always happen at Bank Hols?  Pleased to read of Billie’s inspection indoors last evening!


    Now need to move things forward and send OH to Tesco!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Thanks patriciat and as you say it is her body and we are going to respect her wishes.  However hard it is for us it is even harder for her.


    How is OH's eye now?


  • original goldfinch OH has just phoned to say he is finding it difficult to find one that will fit into the space, ether too wide or too tall at the moment, can see this is going to take all day.  Things like this always seem to happen at the most inconvenient time.  It did pass through my mind what will be the next thing to fail, probably the washing machine but that will probably wait until we are just back from a holiday when you have the most washing. 


  • Margo so sorry to read about your sister.  It's such a punishing time for all concerned but like you say it's her decision which is a brave one at the end of the day.

    Glad that Billie is growing in confidence - in leaps and bounds by the sound of it.  It takes two of us to get Mia's flea drops on. Just because she fidgets and won't sit still so I can hold her fur apart and get the drops on the skin.  Good luck with her but that may take a while.

    Lindybird  glad Buzz seems a little better.  These animals do give us so much to worry about sometimes.

    Warming up nicely now but cloud not cleared fully yet.  I've managed to re-pot the boxus I didn't get done the other day and cut the back grass so far.

    Hope everyone has a good Easter weekend whatever your plans.

    Patriciat I've known one of our vets for years too - about 25 years ouch!  I realised when I got back to the car that I'd forgotten to ask him something so I went back in and as he hadn't taken his next patient the receptionist rang to ask him if he'd pop back out to see me.  He appeared through the door smiling and saying 'it's an age thing Trish'!! 

  • BTW a greenfinch was sharing a feeder with 2 goldfinches this morning.  Don't think I've seen that before, I thought the greenies as we call them were abit more stroppy than that.


    Morning all ... we seem to be missing out on the sun again today :-( That dratted sea fret is here, although they have promised that it will burn off by lunchtime!

    OG - you weren't being 'nosey' asking about our Sunday visitors! Friends of OH always call on Sunday morning en route to their family lunch ... and in the afternoon my friend calls for a gossip! They all work through the week, so Sunday is the ideal day to catch up as we rarely go anywhere on a Sunday. Glad your son is more comfortable with his work ... short weeks will help him too! Looking forward to seeing your photographs.

    Diane - I forgot to say yesterday that I was so pleased you survived your storms. Did you read the Barn Owl Trust Diary yesterday? The owls are nesting elsewhere ... in a barn conversion on the farm ... and have eggs! There is a camera in the barn belonging to someone else but they are hoping to be able to stream from it at a later date. This is the link to the Diary for anyone else who is interested http://www.barnowltrust.org.uk/infopage.html?Id=270

    margobird - bad news about your fridge-freezer ... hope OH can find one that fits ... and can be delivered quickly. Great news about Billie though ... she'll be staying inside shortly ... you have made huge progress!

    Wendyb - how fantastic to see an osprey from your own garden ... magic :-)

    Lynette - glad your daughter is recovering ... hope she gets her confidence back behind the wheel quickly.

    Linda - good to know that Buzz has put on weight ... fingers crossed that he continues ok after the medication is finished. I hope your medication works too!!

    Annette - belated Anniversary wishes to you ... sounds like a good time was had by you both!

    Thanks to everyone else for chat etc. Ooooh ... the sun is trying to break through .... maybe the weatherman was right for once!

    Take care.

    Joan - avid bird and nature watcher in Northumberland!

    Index Thread


  • Good Morning ALL.

    Joan, I hope the sun burns through the sea fret for you today.

    Margo, I admire your sister for making such a decision about her treatment. None of us know what we would do if / when faced with such a heartbreaking prognosis. I hope she enjoys her short holiday. Just seen your latest post. What a day, bank holiday and this hot weather, for your fridge freezer to pack up. Hope your OH is able to find the right size. Great news about Billie.I

    Wendy, Great that you saw the osprey from your own garden. The same happened to me for two years running about 7/8 years ago and I can remember it so vividly. Good luck with the decorating.

    OG, Sorry you are going to lose your cleaner. You seemed to like her. It is always hard to find someone you like and trust into your home and will also do the job properly.

    Annette, A belated Happy Anniversary. I don't take antihistamines as I did take them some years ago and had to stop as I kept getting Labyrinthitis. Same happened to our daughter, who was even worse than me. Not what is supposed to happen, but we were both advised not to take them again and have never had labyrinthitis since.

    Auntie, Sorry you are still being worked so hard. I know what you mean about watching so many cameras.

    Linda, Must be a worrying time for you not really knowing how Buzz is feeling. Glad that you have sorted out your own health problems and have started on the medication.

    Lynette, Glad to hear your daughter is feeling better. I can understand her feeling nervous about driving again.

    This has taken me so long to complete. Have had two visitors.

  • Right!    <deep breath>     now I'll try and answer some of your posts!  - have made some notes, & hope I don't miss anyone out!

    Wendy:  How absolutely wonderful to see an osprey from your own garden!  You will remember that for a long time, I'm sure.

    Gary:  Glad that you missed the storms which seemed to be all over the US at one time.

    Annette:   Sounds like a good Anniversary dinner - and congrats!   if a little late. Hope the creaky ear is better today.

    Trish:  We have a Greenfinch now & then, but he definitely won't share with anyone.

    auntie:  You are working hard again!  When do you get some more time off?  Do you have to work over the Easter break?

    Sheila;  Glad the chiropractor did some good, even if it didnt feel like much.  My OH has tried treatment on his back occasionally, and usually comes home aching.

    Tiger:  That was shocking news on the Calcutta Cup in '88 - don't remember hearing about it at the time.

  • 2nd Part - darn't leave it all on one page in case I lose it all!

    margo:  How awful to have the problem of the fridge over this weekend.  Hope your OH manages to track one down.  Nice to hear that Billie is exploring and being brave indoors, now.

    OG:  Sounds like a great trip - look forward to hearing all about it - with photos!  Expect your Son will settle into the new job after a few days getting used to it.  Sorry to hear that your invaluable cleaner is going - do hope they can find someone as good as a replacement for you.

    Sheila:  You must be really sad that your Bay Tree is dead after nursing it to that size over the years.  Our eucalyptus was in the garden when we moved into the house, and OH said I could keep it as long as I agreed it would not become a huge monster, as they can grow to enormous heights if left.  We are going to trim it and leave it to live or die, as it feels best, this weekend.

    Thanks to Cirrus and to Lynette for your Good Wishes for Easter - can't believe its Easter again, even though its so late this year. Hope you All enjoy yourselves, whatever you are doing.