Weekly Chat, Sunday, April 17, 2011

Evening all: Just off to check recent posts.


  • Evening all:  9th Anniversary today. Celebrated with the usual morning at the Rose Garden (black spot everywhere - Grrrr!) then home to nap in the garden, then off to dinner with OH. Nice little French place that advertised Entrees and also "Small Plates" (all the rage here for folks who don't want to stuff themselves). However, we both ordered entrees and, as I said to OH when they arrived, I'd be interested to see what they call a "small" plate given that the entrees weren't exactly huge. Still, food was good; had two glasses of wine (in large glasses so maybe it was really three) and very good creme brulee for dessert, which we shared. Ear was silly just once today; maybe on the mend - still drinking lots of fluids.

    AQ: Hate to see towns losing their populations; seems like small farms are going out of style. :-(   You can take the train across the U.S. and see where the highways (built in the 50s) bypassed the towns where the railroads used to stop and left them to die out.... Sad really. Brick departed nose during the night; just one creak from ear today. Tuesday is Easter Monday in OZ? Hmmm. Things reallly are upside down!

    Lindybird: Sinuses involved I suspect, but chugalugging fluids so hoping virus will slosh out in due course. Sorry, lost track of blogger family ailments (but glad your OH is doing better).

    Brenda: If your car was yellow wiith pollen, chances are that's causing the cough. Can you take antihistamines, at least at night?

    Margobird: Face doesn't hurt (well, only when I look at it!). Oh my, so very sorry to hear of your sister's situation; major hugs and special thoughts winging their way to all of you; just wish they could make a difference......   Please say hallo to Billie.

    Tiger: Oh dear - butterfingers! :-)  The cup didn't look too squashed when they handed it back into the bus.

    Lynette: I was wondering about group tours and the age thing. Hmm... That's a nice compliment that she's asked you to go with her; you can putter around together.

    Alan: Your non-osprey looks like someone gave her a black eye.

    Sheila: Good the chiropractor helped. We definitely avoid going anywhere on holiday weekends - a nice option, as you say, when you're retired. Smog? In your neck of the woods? As the folks in Los Angeles like to joke: "I won't breathe any air I can't see!"

    Wendy: How nice to see an osprey from your back garden. I see hawks from mine - they nest in the tree up the road, but still not sure what kind they are - Coopers probably.

    OG: Big news item here last night was on major hiring push by McDonald's. Good luck finding a replacement!  Glad you're keeping track of creaky ear episodes - I probably didn't get over the last one properly - but maybe allergy related since all heck's let loose, pollen-wise around here, what with all the rain we had this winter.

    OK. TIme to topple into bed - clunk!  Take care all.




  • Glad everyone seem to have enjoyed the videos. It will be interesting to see how badly damaged the cup is. Apparently the authorities have not admitted how badly damaged the cup  is.

    It reminded me of 1988 when some rugby players "roughed up" the Calcutta cup on the streets of Edinburgh.

  • Hello all! Sorry I haven’t been around lately. Been busy at work (surprise, surprise) but most of the time I can be on my comp I’ve been glued to various nest-cams. EJ and Odin of course and now two of the three cam-nests here have ospreys and the third should get it’s residents any day now http://kotinetti.suomi.net/saaksi/index.php . There has been real soap opera, the nest near(ish) me has a new pair now

    http://wtp.selfip.com/saaksisaatio/ and in Seili http://www.natureit.net/kamera/seili?mode=wide there has been a battle (again) : three females ousting each other and wooing the male there. Some men might think that is no bad situation for the male LOL And ‘cause Pohtiolampi http://www.saaksisaatio.fi/en/ospreycenter/saaksenseuranta/webcam.htm

      has a streaming cam as well… So way too many cams to watch and way too little time to comment/chat. Will probably go to Pohtiolampi tomorrow if weather is reasonable. Take care all!!!

    P.S. Lindy, sorry to hear Buzz beeing unwell

    Margo, soooo glad to read the progress with Billie

  • Morning, Everyone:  Sunny again here of course (forecast dry for the next few days) so have the prospect of actually getting something done in the garden.  My OH has already gone off to the allotment, to check on his peas and beans.

    What a lot you have all written in the last few hours!  I shall endavour to try and reply to some of you, later. Just to tell you the latest:   Buzz is OK at present:  if you missed my post, we decided not to see the Vet in the end, and to go down to the clinic just to have him weighed.  He is still on the last few days of his medication and seems to have improved, but the Vet did say that the crunch time will come when he stops taking this and may or may not seem 'normal' - however, if he still has some symptoms things will not look good. So fingers crossed. We are going to make another appointment after the Easter break.  Meanwhile, he has put on nearly a kilo (he is a big dog) so things are looking good - this may be in part due to the extra digestive biscuits given to him by Aged Auntie in a visit last Sunday!

    I too, am taking my new medication and hoping that it will do the trick - how much our health has impact on our lives and those of others.

    margo:  I am so very sorry to hear about the dilemma your Sister has had - it is so difficult to think what is for the best, but I'm sure she is happy now that she has come to a decision. I shall be thinking of you both.  My Friend has also told the doctors that she will not be asking for chemotherapy and will see what happens next.  She goes in for a small operation on Tuesday to take out her lymph glands as a precaution - we are told that this will make her very sore afterward, so she is not looking forward to it.

    Hope you all have a lovely day in the sun today, those in UK at least.

  • No time to chat now unfortunately, but I did want to say

    Happy Easter to you all, we are probably all out for part or all of the day today       So, whatever you are doing   ...  Enjoy !    and see you later

  • OG - so pleased to see that your son is managing a lot better now and as you say another short week so it should help him to settle in.

    Dau's bruises are subsiding and she is feeling a lot better, just a bit apprehensive about taking to the road on her own again - that will happen sometime tomorrow after we pick up the new car.

    Going out soon to Church and then back for lunch. OH is commentating at our County Ground on the cricket for the blind today so won't see him till around 7pm.

    Back later to see what is happening at LG etc, weather looks set fair.


  • Dear Lindybird had to come on and see if there was news of your much beloved Buzz. Seems a bit more encouraging at the moment especially as he has put on weight.  Will be thinking and praying that he will be OK. 


    Hope your medication will solve the health problem for you, it must have been worrying for you coupled with Buzz.


    Sorry your friend has to go and have her lymph glands removed.  This was the first thing my sister had done 4 years ago and she was very sore for quite a while and can quite understand about her now wanting chemotherapy.


    Thanks for you kind thought and my sister did think long and hard as to what her decision would be and we will respect her wishes.  It is hard though and we are wondering how long she will be with us, awful thought but with no other options we just don't know.


    Not a lot it time to spend on here today our fridge freezer has decided to give up the ghost and OH is out looking this morning for another one.  If he can find one at Comet we could have it delivered tomorrow as long as we order before 2pm today.  What a weekend to choose to pack up.


    Off to see Ken Dodd again tomorrow so a very long evening in prospect as usual.  We always enjoy it and come out worn out from laughing.  Don't suppose we will be home much before 1.30am tomorrow night.


    Hope you all have a good day and a Very Happy Easter to you.  May the sun shine on you.


  • Forgot to say but Billie ventured right in last evening, explored the kitchen, front room, hall and lastly the bathroom.  Much longer visit this time, we just left the conservatory open and in he came.  Don't think it will be long now before he will relaxed indoors.


  • Happy Anniversary Annette and thank you for your kind thoughts.


  • Wendyb how wonderful to see and osprey from your garden.  I would probably have a tear in my eye if I saw one and no doubt there will be a tear or two when I get to seem them for real AT LG.
