Weekly Chat, Sunday, April 17, 2011

Evening all: Just off to check recent posts.


  • Hello all Haven't even been reading this last few days as I've been busy.  OH now has a pretty horrible eye infection - had to disregard his instructions and contact the doc today.  A young lady came to check him out (he thought she looked as if she should still be at school!) and has given him an antibiotic ointment whilch will, I hope, clear things up.

    Lindy Sorry you are under the weather but glad it's treatable and just age-related (what isn't, these days!).  Hope you get good news about Buzz.  It's such a worry when they can't tell us what's wrong.

    Gary I can hardly believe how big Toffee has become - and gorgeous still. 

    Alicat Bobbie is getting cuter by the day - bet you're glad you got her!

    Trish2 We have all our dogs done for kennel cough (the 'up the nose' vaccination) as some compete in KC events and can't do so if they've been in contact with an infectious disease within 21 days.  Fly and Indy are very calm about it but Nell and Tweed literally climb the walls.  The senior partner in out vet practice, whom we've known since we were all young and OH and I had just bought our first collie, hates to see me bringing either of those two in for Kennel Cough vaccine!

    Have got some tidying done in the garden but am now going to contact someone who can remodel it for me to make life easier.  Don't much care what it costs!  I had to put the sprinkler on the new lawn which was laid last autumn as it looked as if it was suffering a bit from drought.  We're probably having our summer now!

    Diane How awful for you to have such voilent weather.  I hope you don't have floods as water seems to get in everywhere.  You are very brave to cope with everything alone - must be pioneer blood!  Keep safe and well.

    Hope everyone else who has been 'under the weather' is now feeling better.

  • Thanks Tiger, that was so charming to watch.  Particularly enjoyed the end!    I saw the ISS last time it was over this way, it was a wonderful sight even if brief.

    Thanks for your concern, margo.  I am relieved to say the least:  I have been worrying about it for ages, and seeing a Doctor for over a year now with health problems which I 'm glad to say are being resolved.  How precious is our Good Health - so much more than money can buy.

  • Home.  Done a quick scan through last few pages – haven’t really taken it in, so to be fair will not “cherry-pick” with replies now, so expect odd delayed comments as I catch up properly over next few days!

    It was so good to meet with Wendy on Monday – she is a really friendly and caring person, so easy to talk to.  Was that only two days ago? – seems ages back – seen three lots of Ospreys since then!  LG Monday afternoon, Spey Bay (Osps fishing) Tuesday evening and LotL today on the way home.  Other wonderful sights: Golden Eagles soaring in Glen Affric, Red Kites over Black Isle, brand new (still wet) baby Lambs at our first B&B, a whole herd of Highland Cows with Calves near Dulnain Bridge…

    Daughter, SiL and Puppies (now looking very grown up) all well.  Son finding it hard working – so worried about making mistakes that he is dreaming about being inadequate, so obviously still depressed.  All I could think of is to remind him that anyone doing any new job needs to learn it before doing it well.

    Must do some unpacking before I can go to bed!  Good Night all – and its great to be back!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Welcome back, OG - I look forward to hearing all about your trip, and it sounds very osprey-full!

  • Lindy: I am so glad that your health condition has been diagnosed and is being successfully treated. You must be so relieved. I'm happy for you. I am sorry that you have had to worry about it for so long. Take good care of yourself, my friend!

  • Patriciat: I hope your husband's eye infection clears up quickly. Well done on deciding to hire someone to remodel the garden for you!!! You have quite enough to handle in your life. I say good decision! Any way you can ease your life is the way to go!

  • WELCOME BACK, OG!!! Can't wait to hear all about your trip. You were missed!

  • Lindybird. I am glad you enjoyed the video. It is rather sweet.

    Sorry to hear that you have been unwell. It is the not knowing that is the worst. At the end of the day I think it is ourselves that knows whether we are well or not. I hope the worry goes away at least.

    margo Glad you liked the video.

  • Thank for pics of Canary Is, Toffee, Bobbie, not to mention EJ & Odin.

    Redecoration saga. We don’t like the paint. Instead of being cream it has a greenish tinge. All our own fault as we realize we tested the sample when the furniture was crowded in the centre of the room and the carpet was mostly covered with drop sheets. The carpet (here before us) is green. It does have to be replaced but neither of us can face the tremendous upheaval required just yet. Anyway, at night when I spend most time in the lounge, the energy-saving light bulbs give a less green look. I have refilled china cabinet - oh why oh why doesn’t everything fit anymore in the underneath shelves which I didn’t think to photo before removal. <sigh>

    Smiles a day early as they do not seem appropriate for Good Friday.
    Today's agenda: Get through it
    Never finish anything you haven't started.
    I used to be able to finish anything but now I . . .

  • Evening all: Creaky ear less achey, but now have brick perched on bridge of nose (at least that's what it feels like!) . Trying not to overdo stuff and guzzling lots of water. but hate to sit around "resting." 

    Lindybird: Do hope vet can put Buzz to rights quickly. Interesting that you can feed the squirrels by hand; here they can carry rabies. Glad your visit to the docs put your mind at rest. One thing: Never research a medical problem on the net or you'll immediately develop all the symptoms.

    Tiger: Those are the prettiest eggs, but I can't imagine coming home to such big mouths.

    patriciat: Bummer for your OH - who needs mpre problems after having a stitch left in your eye for a year! Awful.

    OG: Welcome back. Tell your son that in my first week on the job for the editor of a magazine, many years ago, I assigned a writer the wrong story and cost the company hundreds of dollars! Did manage to hold on to the job for another 20 years though. :-)

    Margobird: I used to weigh 14 stone, but then I'm just under 5'10". Have put on a few pounds - and all in the wrong places.

    Lynette: I'm sure your daughter will get her confidence back soon. Any chance she could go on vacation with a friend, or even a group, although it's sometimes hard to coordinate schedules with friends and group tours aren't everyone's cup of tea.

    Alan: Maybe regular early trips to Tesco might help your usual aversion (though I find if I go grocery shopping first thing, they're busy stacking the shelves).

    Diane: Geez. Keep your head down in all that weather. Where would you go if a tornado came through your neighborhood? I've made progress with the printer and have to try again - reading the instructions several times really helps - and I'm not being funny - it's just that it's all so unfamiliar when you start out.

    Sheila: Didn't seem like you'd been gone for two days, but I haven't spent a lot of time here myself. . Have you reset the router? Assume this is a new problem and that your current configuration worked okay before. My problem is that I got a new router and while my laptop connected okay wirelessly, the new settings have confused my wireless printer. I spent quite a bit of time in the garden these last few days and have tossed a few potted plants that require constant watering; am now keeping just cactii and succulents in pots. Did Pink Floyd sing Another Brick in the Wall? Buffalo Springfield and Steely Dan are coming to the Santa Barbara Bowl this summer; maybe get motivated and get some tickets.

    AQ: I say go ahead and replace the carpet as soon as possible or it'll be hanging over you so to speak - but what do I know!? Just don't repaint anything until you've replaced the carpet.

    Sorry for long post; off to see if it's still dark at LG!