Weekly Chat, Sunday, April 17, 2011

Evening all: Just off to check recent posts.


  • AQ   Those are really great pictures.


    This is not a smile either but I still found it hilarious. Basically last night Real Madrid were celebrating winning the Spanish cup and horrors of horrors they let the throphy fall from the celebration bus and it got run over. Not sure that football fans will agree but I found it amusing. See   dropping of the cup.

  • Up early again today so OH could be up to ferry dau to work.  Last time hopefully as we go and pick up the new car tomorrow. The big test will be when she is on her own driving but hopefully she will be OK.

    No sign of the goldcrests this morning, I live in hope now I've actually seen them.

    Watched the Maundy Service this morning and it was the Queens 85th birthday as well. Lovely service and a nice day for it too.

    AQ - interesting to read about your day out plus pics.

    Annette - re dau going on holiday, it is always awkward as friends have other things on and she can only get whatever week is free in September or October providing no-one else is away. That is why she has asked me to go along with her.  She has done group tours before and enjoyed them but found she is usually the youngest on them!

    AQ - thats very amusing about the cup.   Like your Thursday/Friday smiles too.

  • Tiger  I am not a great lover of tootball but this is amusing.


  • Afternoon all,

    AQ : Thanks for all the pics from your day trip. Very interesting as usual.

    Annette : Sorry you appear to have sinusitis. LadyP also suffers with her sinuses from time to time.

    BrendaH : I know what you mean about the pollen. The atmosphere seems heavy and thick with dust and pollen today. We need some rain to dampen it down.

    Tiger : I watched some of that match last night but got really bored as it looked like neither team would ever score. Will check out your link later.

    Everyone else thanks for the chat etc.

    This morning I have been to Rutland Water. More about that on the Rutland thread.

    Here are a couple of non osprey pics I took there today:


  • Afternoon all .... I have a complaint to make ... where's my sunshine??? It has been cold and damp all day with a thick sea fret that rolls in and out :-(((

    Too many posts to reply to all ... but thinking about Linda  and the vet trip. Lovely to see OG back ... looking forward to hearing about your trip and seeing the photographs.

    patriciat - sorry to hear your OH has an eye infection ... he (and you) could do without any more problems.

    Tiger  ... love the Real Madrid clip .... brilliant!

    AQ - great pics and description of your trip.

    margobird - so sorry for the news about your sister ... it must be very hard for you .... hopefully Billie is helping to cheer you up a bit.

    Love your non-osprey pics from your Rutland Water morning.

    Must go ... OH wants help loading stuff into his car to take to the tip ... I should say 'Recycling Centre'!!

    Take care.

    Joan - avid bird and nature watcher in Northumberland!

    Index Thread


  • Meant to say earlier, nice to have you back with us OG.  Glad the meeting with Wendy went well and that you both enjoyed the sojourn.

    Alan , lovely pics especially the one with the bullock - cooling off as too hot. Also notice the lapwing? in the foreground, what a comparison.

    Pic of the Glasslyn osprey sitting.

  • DjoanS thanks you I am finding it difficult today.  It seems terrible that she is younger than me and has suffered so much already.  All the family will support her all the way that is all we can do.


    Lynette  thanks for the Glaslyn pic, nice and clear.


    Alan thanks for your further photos from today.  That bullock has the right idea about cooling off.


  • Thanks for good wishes when we left on our hols – a great break, good journeys and weather way beyond anything we would expect  - also thanks for posts while we were away.  Now going to skim through to make sure you are all doing okay – starting with last week’s page 8!

    Lindy – pleased to see Buzz was improving and your OH feeling better.  Lovely garden photos – and how SweetPea is growing!  Pleased your present for OH turned into two fruit trees!  Good holiday photos too – don’t “do” abroad myself, but I can appreciate those lovely sunsets!

    Annette – pleased your Grandson is healing so well.  Pleased you and Delilah are already conversing by telephone!  How wonderful to see all the Dolphins (even if they did intimidate the mother Whale) – we went to Chanonry again last Saturday, but saw no Dolphins – I find it quite interesting that everyone seems to suggest a different time and tide sequence as the best for seeing them!

    Sheila – Two big Highland Cows at Muckrach – and a whole herd with Calves towards Carrbidge from there!  Missed the news of Mercedes, despite being up there, and even having a meal in Kincraig!  I knew she was on medication, and they had said they would act if her pain appeared unbearable.  I guess they will now be bidding for a mate for the young male.

    Wendy – pleased you have your stick store in order for next winter!

    Alan – have just caught up with news from my favourites – Wendy had told me about wee Jason – sad, but I think we saw it coming when Faith’s development and stamina seemed to overtake his.  When we went away, Forsythia was still yellow, but that’s all dropped now, and our Choysia is also blooming.  Great Bluebell photos – could almost smell them!

    jsb – perfume of LG was amazing on Monday because of the heat of the sun on the Scots Pines.

    Lynette – good that you are pleased wit the new appliances – having solved initial microwave tech probs.  I had Diclofenac for a while, but they made me stop because I was anaemic and it may have been causing problems – still remain border-line anaemic so not allowed to try it again.  Sorry about your Brother’s fight to stay on in the cottage.

    AQ – if you circle foot anti-clockwise and draw a 9 with your hand, the foot turns clockwise!!  So much for multi-tasking!  Hadn’t heard about quakes in Christchurch and Queensland – thanks for mentioning.  Congrats on finishing painting – and hope country trip cleared your head.

    George – sorry your cold and cough went on so long – I hope you are much better this week.

    Cirrus – I hope you are enjoying the hiking season.

    Diane – pleased it is spring now and you can mow the grass for its first time.

    Brenda –sorry about the cough – get rid soon!


    End of my replies to last week – I hope various situations haven’t changed so much as to make them irrelevant.  Greetings to anyone I have missed.  Back later or tomorrow with replies to this week.

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • I was pushed and prodded by the chiropractor this morning.  She certainly hit the right spots!  It's funny, but when I try pushing and prodding on where I think she is doing it, I feel nothing.  And then she assures me it is a very gentle massage.  Hmmm!  Really.  It's a bit like medicine.  If it doesn't taste nasty, then its not doing any good!  I do think it is much improved though, but I doubt I could do a long distance walk over Scottish hills.

    Margo I was so sorry to hear the latest news about your sister.  She is making a brave decision and I know it will be very hard for you all.  It is nice that she is still able to go away for a few days.  I am so pleased to hear of the huge progress you have been making with Billie (I must remember to put the 'ie'!)  She sounds quite a little charmer.

    Lindybird I sympathise with you and your garden plants!  I lost far more than usual, although I have to say one or two are beginning to shoot out again from the base, which is OK, but it is like going back 24 years with big empty beds!  My viburnum was a good 10 feet tall and probably 5 foot diameter.  I cut it and all its side shoots back to the base, expecting to dig it all out and lo, there are lots of little shoots appearing.  Sadly my bay which was 5 foot tall and I had trained from a small pot plant into a pom with a bare stem, and would probably cost over £100 to actually buy, has gone to the plant place in the sky.  I bought a new pot today £5 or so.  I removed it from the pot and found at least six plants growing in it, so I have split them and potted them on, but whether I will have to wait another 20 odd years to see it that size again I don't know.  And yes, my tall eucalyptus, regularly pruned to keep it more a tree with a bushy look rather than a tall straggly one, is also looking sadly dead.  I hope that the vet has positive news about Buzz.

    AQ I love your travelogue!  You are so descriptive and your photos are lovely too.  I take it you have an interest in churches.  Is this from an historical perspective, or architectural?  So your paint has taken on too green an tinge of green eh?  Isn't that colour supposed to be relaxing and restful?

    patricia it was wise to get the doctor to take a look and your O's eye.  I hope it clears up quickly.

    Annette I trust the brick has fallen off your nose!  I was also pleased to hear that your ears are improving. You are having a rough time of it just now.  Perhaps they are linked, ENT and all that?  A good blow on the shore watching whales might help clear the tubes!

    Brenda so sorry to hear that your cough is persisting.  These bugs really are having a go at everyone of late.  It really can be so tiring as well.  You mention it might be a reaction to pollen.  Have you tried taking antihistamine tablets?

    OG glad to hear you had such a lovely time away.  Nice to be able to see your son to talk to him face to face rather than over the phone.  Glad you had a lovely time with Wendy.  You mentioned Dalnain Bridge.  OH and I will be spending a couple of nights near there later in May, when I hope to go to LG.  Edit: your post above appeared while I was doing this.  I will look forward to the He'lan coos when we go to Muckrach!

    Tiger loved the robin video - which continent is that robin from?!  And what a hoot with the footie cup!  I'm surprised it wasn't flattened though.  It looked as though the driver of the bus picked it up and took it back on board.

    Lynette thank goodness your daughter wasn't hurt when she had her car accident, but I am sure it will have unnerved her.  It will be nice to spend some girly time with her on holiday!

    Alan it looks as though it was too hot for birds at beast at Rutland.  How about you?  Where you in your shorts?  Did you paddle too  :))

    Joan oh dear, no sunshine.  I am afraid I had a lot today, although it wasn't clear blue sky.  It was a bit hazy, but it is 24.5 degrees C at the moment, with a slight easterly wind taking the heat off it.

    Nattered for long enough.  I cannot report on the daily at present, as I cannot get the webcam up! Enjoy your evening everyone.  I should say have a lovely holiday weekend, but as I think Alan said the other day, each day is a bit like a holiday when you are retired!  It just means there are more people frantically buying food as though the shops will never open again, and to get from A to B you have to sit in a traffic jam.  I cannot face that!

    Birdie's DU Summaries 2018   https://www.imagicat.com/

  • For those of you which chest/breathing problems, I heard on the radio a short while ago that because of the current weather conditions we are experiencing there could be smog around. 


    Birdie's DU Summaries 2018   https://www.imagicat.com/