Daily Update. Sunday 17th April, 2011

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  • Wonderful colours in the morning sun. That clump of grass looks like a rosette this morning. Surley there is not a more deserving champion !!

  • Good morning all and thanks for the faithful reporting on eggs Heron and Wattle -  I see I've missed all the action and I'm out this morning with some serious gardening required this afternoon (my neighbour has renewed his fencing and made an awful mess of my side. I was out of course - my usual Sat hike  - so couldn't monitor what was going on )

    However, I thought it was three day between eggs ???? In which case it will be Wednesday. It's been three days between the first and this one.  Oh, more knowledgable ones of you , what have you got  to say please?

    Anyway, have a super morning everyone - I'm late for getting out now cos I've been doing some unintended gardening first thing today. Hello Sheila - sleep well Annette - and if more of you have posted whilst I've been typing this , a very good morning to you.  (edit: m lake :)   )

  • Morning Sheila, and m lake :-)

    Warning!  This post contains atrocious spelling, and terrible grammar.  Approach with extreme edginess.

  • Morning Cirrus.

    Hope the serious gardening doesn't cause too much disruption to Osprey watching.

    Warning!  This post contains atrocious spelling, and terrible grammar.  Approach with extreme edginess.

  • Should have said Morning Heron, Cirrus and all marvellous bloggers who keep us so well informed. Dont know how to highlight names etc. But again many thanks.

  • Unknown said:

    However, I thought it was three day between eggs ???? In which case it will be Wednesday. It's been three days between the first and this one.  Oh, more knowledgable ones of you , what have you got  to say please?

    I've seen a post by Tiger saying he's calculated EJ's usual interval between eggs at 60-odd hours - in which case the most likely time for egg #3 is early Tuesday.

  • Thanks for all posts and great snapshots :) Egg number two, fantastic!

  • Good morning everyone

    It's a lovely sunny morning here today. I just saw Odin fly in for a quickie before I had my pages set up for taking a clip. It looks like EJ has a troublesome branch sticking out towards her face, and I didn't see that arrangement yesterday.

    Unknown said:

    Should have said Morning Heron, Cirrus and all marvellous bloggers who keep us so well informed. Dont know how to highlight names etc. But again many thanks.

    Morning MLake

    What I do to highlight names might not be the standard method, but after you have typed the name, if you highlight it (hold down your left mouse key and drag it across the word, so that it is highlighted) then you press Ctrl + B together that makes it Bold text. You can also press Ctrl + I together to make it Italic text. There may be more combinations that I don't know about

  • Kelly, I took this picture from Windows Media Player using MWSnap 


    I would have thought you could too  ??????  dashing ...

  • Nice to come on and see the sunshine on the nest, and EJ sitting contentedly on her two eggs.

    Many Thanks to All for your pics and posts.

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