EJ is laying on her nest and looks like she is having contractions
She is facing the camera
EDIT While I was typing she turned around and is fussing with something under her . Her back is to the camera
I just saw it WE HAVE AN EGG !!
Formerly known as Barbara Jean
my photos in flickr
Great stuff Auntie - being up before everybody else certajinly pays off !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hi Barbara Jean (thanks for startaing us off today) Hi Wattle and Annette - it's 06.15 am in the good ole UK and I thought I was up early (LoL)
Barbara Jean Thanks for recording the great event.
Tiger Signature
I'm home dear
The top pic was of EJ turning the egg but my anti virus wot not interfered with things.
Odin just did a parental wing flap and intruder warning - probably a crow - didn't see anything
Congratulations to EJ and Odin :-)