EJ is laying on her nest and looks like she is having contractions
She is facing the camera
EDIT While I was typing she turned around and is fussing with something under her . Her back is to the camera
I just saw it WE HAVE AN EGG !!
Formerly known as Barbara Jean
Absolutely eggciting!
my photos in flickr
EJ stood up and I saw the egg and I was on the phone with my cousin and she saw the egg too. It is official
Unknown said:
THANKS Auntie for posting the screen print of EJ and her egg. !
I don't know how to do a screen print
Morning Barbara Jean, and THANKS to you we now no the appr. time of the laying (I use MWSnap for screen captures) This just wonderful, isn't it
Good good morning!!
Barbara Jean: Thanks for starting the thread with such wonderful news!
Auntie; Thanks for the photo of EJ and her egg.
How many more I wonder!
Good good morning to you too, Annette!
Good morning Annette
As I typed the first message I was certain I saw her lay the egg. But until I actually saw it I didn't want to make that statement
So it would have been laid at about 3:25 AM .
Barbara Jean: Congratulations on spotting it - you said she looked as if she were having contractions! Won't everyone be thrilled when they log on in the morning! :-)
I can't stick around at all tonight; gotta be up at 5:30 for long day tomorrow. Take care; enjoy watching EJ and her egg!
Isn't it wonderful? When I cam on she was in the process of adjusting her position, and I caught a glimpse of the egg before she settled tail towards the camera, with that lovely little wiggle she gives when she's settling on eggs.
Smiles, Jan.