Nest is empty; assume that bright patch is that clump of moss.
EJ back and the wind that I thought had died down is back. Wonder if she will stay on the nest or near it tonight in readiness for her first egg.
I could barely take my eye off the screen when the event between EJ and the Raven was happening a few minutes ago. To be honest at first I thought it was EJ who was making those croaky noises. Shows how much I know.LOL.
EJ from a few minutes ago.
And then she switched the lights off for the night :-)
Warning! This post contains atrocious spelling, and terrible grammar. Approach with extreme edginess.
Yes Margo wind has dropped. Just switched to night camera. EJ on the nest, standing quietly.
Birdie's DU Summaries 2018
I don't usually watch at this time of night. Is it unusual for her to be on the nest now? Is an egg laying imminent?
Sheila FE i don't watch in the evenings much but this seem to be late for EJ to still be on tne nest so perhaps an egg is imminent.
20.59 and the wonderful Odin has just delivered a fish for EJ.
Sorry not sure if that was a stick but EJ and Odin both on the nest.
Night delivery from Odin!
Definitely a fish and wss it EJ who flew off with it. Looks a bit dark for flying.
Good grief .... Odin with a fish for EJ ... and its nearly dark!!
... and she flies away with it.
Joan - avid bird and nature watcher in Northumberland!
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