Nest is empty; assume that bright patch is that clump of moss.
Ah, Margo - yes, you've guessed it. Squabbling in on the main Blog. All happy observers here :)
i've come to the point where i don't bother reading the main page comments anymore. i read the blog and thats it..
i get so sick to death of some of the rubbish that goes on there
Cirrus the sqabblers really are losing the point somewhat. As I said I only post there when there is an update and I am not even going to look to see what the upset is, this blog is far nicer.
fairly sure Odin just brough in another small fish, but neither of them seem very interested in eating it...
it looked bigger than the left over bit that Odin took from EJ
scratch that.. it' either just been left off camera in the nest, or it was a bit of moss...
very windy up there now
odin leaves without said fish/moss after mating
Pharazon , Margo - I made the mistake of going over there and having a speed read of a few of the posts. I've decided I'd better laugh .............. so ;) cos otherwise it's one big shudder !! I would like to say though - here's to Richard Taxter (did I get his surname correct?) and may he prosper.
I like EJ posing on the stick
Does anyone think EJ may be delaying the laying cos of these miserable windss?
Unknown said: Does anyone think EJ may be delaying the laying cos of these miserable windss?
i doubt that makes any difference, but honestly i have no idea
I missed the fish delivery, so thanks for info. Like many others on here, I only read the main blog from LG people and nothing else ... can't stand the squabbling. I thought that main blog was supposed to be only for osprey stuff and things for/from the LG staff ... I must be wrong :-)
Joan - avid bird and nature watcher in Northumberland!
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