Taken 6.06am, nest now empty.
ChloeB & Tiger's Osprey Data Site
Sat track schedule Spring 2014
LG 7 days; RW & SWT nil; LDOP varies
jsb: Thanks for starting the thread; have been battling with naughty printer all evening with no luck and haven't watched anything at all, even telly. Off to bed and will leave LG in your capable hands.
Good morning from Odin.
(Taken about 7:45 your time.)
Another busy day of clump moving.
Odin has flown. EJ is on the nest, hanging on tight. Very windy. Night, all.
Just logged on to see Odin fly in to join EJ on the nest. EJ is standing quietly watching Odin fussing with sticks and moss!
As I go to hit 'Post' he flies off! Thanks for earlier pics and posts. Sounds windy ... and possibly rain?
Joan - avid bird and nature watcher in Northumberland!
Index Thread
Poor EJ ... looking very bedraggled in the rain!
Thanks to jsb, Diane and Joan for your earlier comments and pictures.
EJ still sitting on the nest in the rain.
What a miserable day for our beloved Osps :( EJ certainly looks WET.
Thanks for starting us off today JSB and thank you for the pics JSB Diane and DJoan
Sleep well Annette after your battle with the printer. I've been battling \ljp3005prnsys\disk1\autorun\hpcdbv.exe
SIGH Thankfully Comodo seems to have sorted it.
One little bird seems cheerful giving loud TWEETs - it's not the chaffinch
Good morning Brenda
I am trying the earphones again......the rain is a lot heavier than it appears on the screen.
Also when I was on earlier after 6am there were at least three matings in a short period.
'' Also when I was on earlier after 6am there were at least three matings in a short period. ''
In the rain JSB ? - well done EJ and Odin