Evening all: Been out most of the day; just sat down - phew. Off to check other threads; back in a bit!
Interesting piece from you jbs. As you say, the sticking point is the ability of the broadband network to cope. We have those problems which is why I get so cross when the camera keeps rebuffing. There is nothing we can do about it until the technos bring a better system to we country-dwelling folk - although we are within spitting distance of Stansted, M11, high tech Cambridge and City Airport!! But we won't be moving just yet!
Birdie's DU Summaries 2018 https://www.imagicat.com/
Oh, very many thanks for all that info JSB. I'm going to copy it to a folder on my PC for future reference. .That was really good of you.
Enjoyed all the chat and info. Sorry to hear that georgeg is still bad with that cold & cough - hope that the fresh air you're getting, walking the dog, is helping! At least you will be over it by the time the better weather comes, and then it will all be behind you.
Brenda: I too, felt rather apathetic about doing much today, but then my Friend rang and asked if they could drop in on the way back from Waitrose, so I had to get the hoover out and tidy away the papers! She is not allowed to drive, and is still feeling very sore, so her OH brought them both & they stayed for a coffee and to make a fuss of Buzz, as of course they knew that he's not been too well. He is looking at every move I make at the moment, as he keeps getting these unexplained treats of lumps of cheese (containing pill from Vets) and fresh toast (liquid medicine!).
Sheila: Sorry to hear that you are still finding it painful, walking. What a nuisance. Do hope it can be sorted out soon, it will affect so many things you will want to do.
My OH has brought several bags of pebbles, so that I can tidy up the gravel part of the front garden, so I had better go out and spread some of them around. Its rather like getting new carpet, the visible difference makes you ashamed of how untidy the old one looked.
Sad polar bear news: Mercedes has been put to sleep at the Highland Wildlife Park near Aviemore. I guess she had a peaceful last couple of years in the Scottish countryside rather than in the capital city. She was captured after being rescued from being shot in Canada in 1984, but one wonders why she wasn't translocated at the time rather than put in a zoo. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-highlands-islands-13094316
That is sad news, Sheila. I felt that it was rather a lonely life for her, there. However, as you say, they have been peaceful years.
AQ no the foot and the hand will not go in opposite directions whether right or left hand and I'm left handed.
Wendyb I bet you keep up at spinning considering all the walks in the freshest air imaginable that you enjoy.
We missed Chris P last night as we were at agility but will catch up with it over the weekend I'm sure.
Off out for a meal with work tonight so I'd better go and get ready soon. Had a terrible headache after quite a fast, long walk earlier so took painkillers and sat for a while - it's just about gone. Maybe just a bit dehydrated but driving tonight so there will be no alcohol which would only make matters worse.
Enjoy your meal Trish 2, and I hope your horrible heads sorts itself out quickly.
There's a link on the Lily and Hope diary page to a video of another bear, Jo and her cub - so sweet. You'll also find one from a couple of days ago of Faith playing a little in the sun. So nice to see after the recent sadness. The organs that they had kept before Jason was confiscated have now been confiscated too.
Just back from meet with girls going to LG as volunteers and another blogger from Inverness. Coffee cake and very good company Will catch up all days events once I have done dinner.
Margo talking to the girls they say that you will get all the help you need. They were phoned by Caroline this morning as they were getting off the ferry from Mull to see if they could start a night early and of course they said yes...really quite excited. Rose that was with me at the meet cooked special evening snacks and cake to keep them going.
Hi, all. Haven't been around much. I'm distracted with other stuff. Thought I'd better get caught up, because thunderstorms and high wind are moving in again tonight. They shouldn't be too bad. The trees are starting to turn green, and I'm going to have to mow the lawn for the first time this year.
Sheila: So sorry about your painful knee and back. I hope your chiropractor can get you sorted very soon -- especially before your trip to Scotland. Would some gentle yoga help to undue the tight muscles? I find that taking fish oil capsules helps me a great deal when my back goes out (but it can raise blood sugar in some people). Good luck and take care.
Margo: I'm so glad that Billy Whizz has become so affectionate. He will be a house cat yet, I think.
Lynette: Enjoy your new gadgets!
Lindy: Firstly, Sweetpea may be the cutest baby in the world. That photo was just gorgeous. Your holiday pictures are fabulous, too. It's been raining all day here, not a hint of sunshine, so it was nice to look at your lovely sunny photos. Also loved the beautiful magnolia tree. Happy belated wedding anniversary to you and your husband!
GeorgeG: I so hope you recover from your cold soon. Best wishes to you and Diesel.
JSB: Congratulations on your encounter with the friendly robin. Such a magical and wonderful moment!!!
Annette: I hope you enjoyed the trip with your daughter!
Starting to thunder and lightening so I'd better shut down. Hello to AQ, Brenda, Cirrus, Patriciat, and everyone. I hope you all have a great weekend!