Morning/evening/whatever/wherever all:
Take a look at the last couple of pages of yesterday's DU thread to see pix of someone peeking over edge of nest.
RSPB Giving Nature a Home
And both have flown off now - empty nest for the time being.
handsome boylooks like Odin is back doing some housework
Not for long though, he's flown off again.
Good morning all and many thanks for pic and commentary. 69 times then and that is probably more by now. Still seems windy although not quite so bad as yesterday morning. EJ on the nest and gently calling for a fish. Off to catch up now.
I've come back to the webcam & EJ is being blown about again - just been doing a great impression of a Headless Bird whilst preening.
Just caught up with yesterday's daily chat and thanks for the pics and commentary. ALICAT your pics were very spooky. Saw another mating a little while ago and at the moment EJ is moving twigs around. I get the impression that she is waiting for a delivery from Odin at the moment The nest cup looks much deeper than it did yesterday. Pleased to read that the wind is going to ease soon it has been horrendous for several days now.
EJ watching Odin doing the housework but think that was just a ruse to mate with her again which he duly did. Think he had better bring a fish in soon, don't want EJ withholding her favours.
She is looking around, but she's not sure if the nest needs more work. That wind is still noisy on the microphone.
Odin has just delivered another clump of moss but I think EJ would really prefer a fish please.