A new day and a new update.
The birds are active in the darkness. Sunrise at Loch Garten 6.32am.
Tiger Signature
EJ sounds so happy doing her nest work and giving little chirrups knowing that her wonderful Odin is not far awayl.
H doesn't DjoanS all I can say he has a lot of stamina as does EJ with him keep jumping on to her back. Always smile when he has finished as EJ gives herself a good shake.
Another mating I think Odin is going for some sort of record.
EJ on the nest - it looks a lot scruffier than before. Somebody's been having a right go at nest making - untidy or what!!!!
RSPB Giving Nature a Home
Both ladies on their nest just now.
margobird said: Another mating I think Odin is going for some sort of record.
He has a long way to go. The record stands at 49 times in a day by Ollie....presumably a record shared with Olive.
Thanks Tiger way to go yet then.