Hi everyone.
Wind sounds bleeping awful at LG just now. Even through my puny laptop speakers.
Love the new nest decoration :-)
Warning! This post contains atrocious spelling, and terrible grammar. Approach with extreme edginess.
"Odin! I really do love you but for goodness sake, I am trying to find the remote control."
EJ is really looking healthy now - she's recovered her good looks wonderfully . Did anyone else think she looked somewhat ''worn'' when she first returned? As if the journey had indeed taken a toll on her
Unknown said: EJ is really looking healthy now - she's recovered her good looks wonderfully . Did anyone else think she looked somewhat ''worn'' when she first returned? As if the journey had indeed taken a toll on her
Cirrus: I totally agree. This probably explains why she allows Odin's mating advances so readilly. Its wonderful to see both EJ and Odin at the peak of their powers at this stage of the season. I doubt I could recover from a 3000 mile journey that quickly :-)
Me neither Heron. Birds (as the RSPB keep telling us) really are brilliant :) I think it will be a while before I am able to see one for real but I'm looking forward to the day. Although, I suppose the centre is just a big screen . I wonder if it's possible to 'see' Ospreys flying over Abernthey forest. I'll just have to hold a goal of going to the fish farm to watch the Ospreys fish ,in my heart.
Textbook Osprey behaviour.
I'm away to get my dinner now. Sorry make that force myself away from the laptop ;-)
Fish please Super Odin :-)
Thanks for the pics and Heron the humour continued. Hope you have had your meal and will you be going to bed at all tonight.
Still quite gusty at LG, with Odin an EJ off snoozing nearby. Feeling the need to tuck my head under my as well. Oh bother! I've only got arms and lack the dexterity LOL
Well I'm away to roost. See you all later :-)