Evening/Morning all: Haven't been on all day - off to check previous day's activities.
Two in a gale
Echo margo's comment : "What a joy it is ...."
'Morning LIndy
Both on the nest at the moment
Sure I saw Odin fly in with a fish, leave the nest and then fly back for yet more mating.
Nest empty - EJ had been calling quietly for quite a while so perhaps she has decided to get her own fish. Wish that B---------- wind would drop. Hope it is not going to be like this all the time as there would be a chance that no chicks would be ringed or satellite tagged again.
A long time before we have to worry about that, margo - plenty of time for LG to go through all the different seasons on the calendar, as it can do!
Lindybird I am a born worrier never happy unless I have something to worry me. Drives my OH mad at times. He knew my thoughts were elsewhere while we were waiting for Odin to return. EJ just arrived back on tne nest.
Hi girls
..nope Margo - no fish for EJ yet
Well, now that Odin has got his feet back under the table he seems to be getting lax about the fishing. Not that I blame him in these winds. EJ keeps nagging - trying to get him trained up again for when there are chicks.