Weekly Chat, Sunday April 3 2011

  • Lovely day – almost “balmy”!  OH outside mowing, Cleaner here cleaning, Son having his interview …

    Lindy – we usually have two soup lunches each week, and since we both like soup, will continue through summer.  With soups that freeze well, I make two meals mid week and freeze one for a future Sunday (not same week) when we can have it as a quick lunch after church.

    Margo – so pleased you enjoyed the concert, but journeys sound horrendous – I think I would have given up and gone home at the first delay!  What wonderful news of Billy getting onto your lap for more stroking – and now starting to purr.  They say that stroking an animal is good for stress, helps the brain release endorphins or something- so he has come into your life at just the right time.

    Alan – pleased Hamish is well, with the eye and ear troubles under control.

    Lindy – sorry your friend is a bit down today – I am sure your visit will have cheered her.  I know how the two of us get through cheese – I now limit how much I buy and don’t keep cheese in the house “just in case” any more – and cheese for cooking I grate when I buy it and put in measured amounts in the freezer where we can’t get at it for a nibble!


    Need a quick look at webcams, then must look again at next week’s arrangements.

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • margobird said:

    Hi ALICAT OH is convinced that as soon as I leave the conservatory door open he will come in.  Billy has been sitting on my lap again while we enjoyed the sun together.

    This is becoming quite a story. It has taken a while.

  • Update from Dunedin as follows:


    4/6/11 - A perfectly beautiful day in Florida today, cool and breezy.  A great day for birding, or for a ride on a tugboat to see an osprey nest built on top of a crane on a barge that needs to pull out.  Check photo features to see this nest.  Wildlife officials are looking into the matter.  One osprey at the Indian Rocks Beach Bridge pre-fledged and was rescued on the ground by the Suncoast Seabird Sanctuary today.  I found 3 nests on power lines in Oldsmar, and saw 1 dead coyote on the road.  An unusual day.   Meanwhile, at the ospreycam, we wait, hoping for hatching to occur soon.  BW

    4/5/11 - Well, we had a little more bad weather today, particularly early in the morning.  I am happy to say that the nest which was about to fall was fixed yesterday.  Please watch the photo features to see photos and read more about that effort.  Our osprey cam nest should hatch any day now. We did have a total of 3 eggs with egg laying beginning about 2/27 - 2/28. That would make this day 37.  BW


  • Tiger  he first turned up in October and he got the name Billy Whizz because he used to boolt very quickly if he saw us.  It has taken all that time to gain his trust and it all started yesterday.  Has come on in leaps ad bounds since.  Just have to get him to accept OH now although can't think that will be far away.  My patience with him paid off I am delighted to say.  Have really come to love this little cat.


  • Morning all: :Quick look in before I head to Rose Garden and then to tend grandson's bottom (well, near enough - such fun!)

    Trish2: I think if you got through News from Other Nests you'll find info on - oh forgot his name - Baldrick?? an EJ offspring now back in the UK.

  • Awwww...hope you will like this.

  • Unknown said:

    Didn't get on here at all yesterday.  What's this about an offspring of EJ and Henry?  Has there been a sighting and if so where?  I'm so excited.

    Here is the story you were looking for. See  Baldrick.

  • Thanks Tiger. Exciting news, I do hope it's him.

  • Bobbie can now get upstairs and down on her own

  • Margo - you and Billy remind me very much of how it was with me and Sam. He was a bedraggeld stray tomcat who took an age to eventually come indoors. Once in though he settled down and I had him (or he had me) for many years. Sadly he had to be euthanased 12 months ago due to old age and illness but had lived a long and happy life.

    I wish you many happy years with Billy too.