Weekly Chat, Sunday April 3 2011

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  • Devastating news about your sister Margo ........ I'm so sorry. And it must be such a worry about Rhys -

    I DIDN'T get stamps - RATS!

    31 Osps Alan .........  that's terrific  , all in one day  , I wonder if one of them might be Nethy

  • So sorry to hear that your sister has to go through more treatment, margo - she is being very brave about it.  Hope it is going to be not too distressing, for her and for all of you caring about her.  Glad you enjoyed yourselves at the Magic Show:  I love trying to work out how they do these things, so I would have been pestering your OH.  Sorry too, that Rhys is not too good, but they do catch a lot of things at that age,don't they.

    Cirrus:  I did wonder about the picture, as if you look very very carefully, that man does not seem to be holding the bucket!  Its still fun, though.

    More about our trip to see Sweetpea, later....

  • Good afternoon all Have been keeping up to date with all the going ons but I think I have caught the bug that a lot of the others have had, sore head, coughing and nose running and my eyes seem to get very sore as well but this is paltry compared to what some others are having to put up with.

    Up until today the weather has been dry and sunny but when we were out for our walk this morning the rain started and luckily enough I had my waterproofs with me so managed to keep dry.

    Alan Dundee's amazing run of 23 unbeaten games had to come to an end sometime and Raith were the team to do it in the 90th minute although you were down to ten men at the time. Hope they will keep up the momentum next season and then they will get promotion without any bother

    Hope everyone has a good day

    george g

  • 2 eggs for Derby peregrines now:


    Hatching for Aria and Vento chicks should be any day now:

  • Thanks Cirrus  but the family are pulling together for my sister and tyring to keep the positive additude that she has had all the way through.  It was and still is such a shock as she had led a very full life, raising her 2 children, working once they went to school and travelling abroad a lot.  She will be going to the Isle of Wight for a week in July with her daughter and son and the 4 grandchildren and she says this is what she will focus on so I am  hoping that she will be well enough to do this.


  • Afternoon all - wet and windy here .... most unpleasant.

    margobird - sorry to hear about your sister having yet more problems ... she must be a very strong person to have an attitude like that. Shame that Rhys is poorly again, but it so often happens when they are at Nursery.

    Alan thanks for news of the 2nd Derby egg ... only one when I looked this morning! That was an amazing number of ospreys spotted in one day.

    Linda - glad you enjoyed your visit with the family .. and thanks for the Monday Smile!

    patriciat - so glad to hear of better news about your sister's labrador.

    Lynette - thinking about you this afternoon on your hospital visit to see your OH - hope the scan is ok.

    Trish 2 - pleased that the stray dog was claimed by its owner ... you were so kind looking after him like that.

    Must go and see what OH is up to ... he was champing at the bit to get into the garden to sort out a bit of fencing, but the rain has put a stop to that!

    Thanks to everyone else for chat etc

    Take care

    Joan - avid bird and nature watcher in Northumberland!

    Index Thread


  • Good afternoon, Margo – sorry I missed your morning post.  Sorry to read that your Sister’s third tumour is still growing – especially disappointing when the original has been successfully treated.  I didn’t realise that they hadn’t made the mask for her earlier treatment – I guess that will mean two extra visits to the hospital as well as the one to see the consultant tomorrow – but good that she will be in overnight for the long treatment.  Good that she has holiday to look forward to.  Also sorry about poor little Rhys, and unfortunate that yet another visit to you had to be cancelled.  Pleased you liked the magic show.

    George – sorry you have fallen victim to “the bug” – pleased you didn’t get too wet this morning.  That is a downside of having a dog – they do need walking how ever you feel and whatever the weather!  I hope you will feel 100% soon.

    Alan – lovely peregrine picture – very clear.

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Good afternoon george g sorry to read that you have caught what so many others have been suffering from.  Pleased you manage to keep dry while taking Diesel for a walk in the rain.  Get better soon.


  • Good afternoon original goldfinch my sister had a mask for the first course of treatment but apparently this is a cage that will cover the whole of her head while she has the next radiotherapy treament.  Quite a high dose all at once so think this is the reason for more protection this time. 


  • Good afternoon DjoanS sounds like rotten weather for you again and forecast not too good either.  Can't tell you how proud we all are of my sister.  I can only hope that if I was in that sort of situation I would approach it in exactly the same way she has.  It is a shame Rhys couldn't visit as I was really looking forward to seeing him again.  Hoping that he will grow out of all these illnesses a bit as he gets a bit older.


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