Thanks for yesterday's pix - more pix than words at the moment, but that'll change once Odin arrives - assuming it's Odin again this year. EJ certainly looks like she's expecting company.
Splendid Woodpecker !
EJ has come back a few mins ago, and is now busy again, rearranging.
Morning ALL, EJ is trying to find a place for a small tree. I can see that causing trouble later on in the season.
EJ brought a wee stick LOL
my photos in flickr
Thanks auntie. That was the small tree I mentioned.
Thanks for all the earlier photographs everybody.
Good morning all and thanks to auntie, Cirrus and Woodpecker for the pics. See EJ is bringing in the big stuff now, and have just watched her moving it around. Lindybird I agree she does look in fine fettle. Off to catch up with yesterday's weekly and daily posts.
Morning all ... thanks for the pics and commentary. I saw EJ wrestling with her small tree while I was posting on the Weekly page! I wish I had seen her bringing it in!
Joan - avid bird and nature watcher in Northumberland!
Index Thread
Unknown said: Splendid Woodpecker !
LOL yes, I managed the technology at last
Best wishes Chris
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