Thanks for yesterday's pix - more pix than words at the moment, but that'll change once Odin arrives - assuming it's Odin again this year. EJ certainly looks like she's expecting company.
EJ just showed up -as usual just as I'm about to go to bed. Is it going to be like this again all season! :-) She's very watchful and interested in what's going on (a loud hum, from where I'm sitting). I'm off to bed. Have a good Monday everyone.
6.05 am
my photos in flickr
Still dark and a spooky-looking EJ alertly scanning the sky.
LOL. Peeped in at the cam and got some wings flapping in my face. EJ is doing her early morn exercises right next to the camera! Exercising to Radio Chaffinch, of course.
Morning - grey here again & dull - rain promised for the rest of the week. Just having my before work look at the nest & EJ has flown in a couple of times with twigs. Just got the view of the rear end at the moment.
Morning all
I logged on just in time to see EJ fly off. :-(
Best wishes Chris
Click Here to see my photos
She is back again now though. :-)
Morning! It's such a treat to come on, and find EJ busily pottering around the nest - and she looks in such fine fettle.
Hurry up Odin
Wasn't able to boot up over the weekend. Pesky pest freezing problem again. Those of you who know Quiet Woman- please read what I have written on Weekly chat this morning. It's wrenching. My heart goes out to the family. Thank goodness our Osprey family will be reunited soon.
Here she is this morning: