Weekly Chat, Sunday March 27, 2011

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  • 'Crossed over' with you margo - glad to hear that Billy is tucking into his food.

  • Hi everyone.

    It's an okay if pretty nondecript morning here.  The garden birds are providing plenty of joy and all just for my efforts in feeding them :-)

    Glad all went well with the decorating.  Excellent pics of great looking cats.  Brilliant names Master 13, and Miss 15.  Wish I had something like that when I was that age.  I got: "Paul"; if I was in trouble: "Paul Heron"; at school it was mostly "Heron" in varying tones ranging from friendly to unfriendly; and of course other things that would required a lot of whatever the plurel for asterix is (my spelling is awful).

      The clocks in our house tend to go through varying stages of being altered.  The very modern one that update automatically, the ones we can see and change right away, and the ones that get forgotten about for ages.

    Nice to hear from you this morning. 

    Alan:  Sorry you've been having RealPlayer problems.  Sometimes I think this laptop is quite relieved I don't own a cricket bat.  Although these days I'm starting to think its often the case that there are so many software companies that they sometimes suffer from communication breakdown.

    I've been using Firefox 4 since it was a beta version.  I love the tabs on top and to be honest I like the fact that its more customisable that Chrome and IE.  IE9 is a lot better that IE8, and Microsoft does deserve a lot of credit for their efforts.  Sadly for any XP users this is not available.  Bad move I feel because many business still use XP Proffesional.  I think when a couple of the Plugins get updated the LG cam will fork in firefox.

    Margo:  Enjoy Chas and Dave tonight.  Hope the cough vanishes swiftly.

    Linda:  Welcome back :-)  Great tactics for getting an extra hour in bed.  Sorry I forgot to welcome you back earlier.

    Have a great Sunday everyone.




    Warning!  This post contains atrocious spelling, and terrible grammar.  Approach with extreme edginess.

  • Oops.  Bit of a brain fart.  Forgot to put the other address for the LG cam in my last post.  This works on Firefox 4.


    Warning!  This post contains atrocious spelling, and terrible grammar.  Approach with extreme edginess.

  • Well, March is turning out to be the month of firsts in the garden as far as I am concerned.  Newbies on the feeders.  I generally get the usual local suspects, although I imagine I usually miss a lot out of pure ignorance.  But I have so far seen reed buntings, siskin and now this morning what I think were three female redpoll - with the red patch on the forehead!  Last week I moved the nyger seed from the entrance side of the house to the acer that I can see from my kitchen where I sit to compute - and watch the birds.  I have two seed, one peanut, two fatball and now the nyger feeders, as well as a ground feeder to encourage the pheasants and partridge.  They give me a lot of pleasure!  Perhaps they are always around but I am taking more notice!  The long tailed tits have just popped in for a mid-morning snack too. 

    I can hear Radio Chaffinch.  I wonder whether EJ knows that Odin will be a few days yet and so she is taking her time on the nest.  She has laid claim of the nest, got rid of the annoying bits (with the help of the Loch Garten Elves) and formed the outline.

    I am not an early riser by any degrees, but came downstairs before  7.00am (outrageously early for me on a Sunday) just to take a peep.  It was only then that I realised it was actually already gone 8.00am and time to get up anyway.  A lot of the clocks had changed automatically (the wonders of modern technology), but the Aga and microwave needed attention along with sundry watches and non-tech clocks!  My car should change automatically when I start it up.

    Another grey day, but it looks as though the stiff cold breeze from y'day has dropped.  It could be another day in the garden with the frogs and toads croaking and the skylarks singing!!  Have a good Sunday All.

    Birdie's DU Summaries 2018   https://www.imagicat.com/

  • Godo morning Lindybird what a good idea leaving the clocks till this morning, one to remember.  I expect Buss is loving having you back.  One of the reasons we don't have a dog is because I couldn't bear to put it in kennels.  Think I probably did have the same as you and two weeks on still coughing although not quite so badly.  Enjoy day with eldest son.


  • Diane (everyone) This is the Scotsman's take on Earth Hour: 
    and a more pessimistic view of the principles behind it from The Telegraph: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/earth/environment/climatechange/7527469/Earth-Hour-will-not-cut-carbon-emissions.html

    Birdie's DU Summaries 2018   https://www.imagicat.com/



    It is certainly a lot brighter now than it was earlier, so a walk is on the cards.  Apparently the dog is coming with me so that I can practice putting on her lead (nose harness type) for when she comes to stay here for her holidays. 

    Heron77 - There are clocks in this house that never get altered at all - the clock on the oven  & the clock on the microwave being two of them.  

    Perhaps this is a silly question - but I was wondering about LotL.  I know at LG there have been other ospreys around - possibly trying to claim the nest.  Have there ever been others there at LotL ?


  • Sorry Lindybird meant Buzz not Buss, must try harder to get things right - godo instead of good.


  • Good Morning All. We had some rain this morning so it was a wet drive to church, where we heard that the lead from the church roof had been stolen and this mornings rain was leaking into the church. This is happening to many churches, so I guess it was our turn.

    Patriciat, Lovely to hear you were able to enjoy your Birthday. Well done to Tweed.

    OG, I look forward to seeing your photographs, but with that number of photographs, I think it wil take you a while to sort them though.
    Good news about your son and I hope he enjoys his voluntary work.

    Margo, Don't forget to take something to drink/ suck when you go to see Chas and Dave tonight. I know you will enjoy yourself but do go easy on the dancing in the aisles.

    AQ, I do have a laugh when reading about your teen sitting, but as we don't have any grandchildren yet, I will just enjoy hearing about your's.
    Good to hear there is now rapid progress with the painting. Lovely to see Nutmeg and Jasper. They are beautiful cats.

    Jay-me, We have changed all the clocks, including the cars, but the fitted microwave and oven are so fiddly, I have to wait until I feel like messing with them.

    Alan, Chloe, I was going to download Realplayer today, but following your posts, I don't think I will bother.

    Linda, We had to stop our holidays abroad for a couple of years as our dog became old. That is one of the reasons we no longer have a dog as I hate putting them in kennels and selfishly, we can now go where and when we want, without having to make arrangements for the dog. I do miss not having one though.



  • Jay-Me wrote "Perhaps this is a silly question - but I was wondering about LotL.  I know at LG there have been other ospreys around - possibly trying to claim the nest.  Have there ever been others there at LotL ?"  Talking about claiming nests, bright&breezy has just reported on the main (Caroline's) blog that the Egyptian Goose has laid an egg on the Manton Bay, Rutland nest.  What will happen in this saga I wonder, when the residents return from Africa!!  http://www.ospreys.org.uk/webcam/

    Birdie's DU Summaries 2018   https://www.imagicat.com/

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