Weekly Chat, Sunday March 27, 2011

  • Morning...A really nasty day so far up here in the Highlands so our planned walk down the Speyside Way has been put on hold. Si it is plan B now which will mean a nice coffee later. Trying to do a bit of HW around youngest but as she is on holiday she is convinced that is not high in her priorities. With my trip down south and with her up until Thursday we will have spent 19 together....longest time for many a year and we haven't fallen out yet...even more amazing.

    Lynette: Not much fun A and E trips but with the scan in the very near future you should get some sort of resolution.

    Annette: Anything with Wendy in the name is hard to come by!!! Fish place up here squeaky clean and I am sure they will be having many visits from local authorities.

    Have a good day one and all.

  • Linda:  The week seems to have flown in.  Hope you have a fantastic weekend :-)

    Wendyb:  The weather's been horrible in the Highlands.  It's a bit calmer to say the least down here in Lanarkshire but I'll say no more in case I temp fate.  Hope things get brighter up there soon.

    Here's a pic from the Brighton Peregrines in Regency Square.  They've got two eggs now :-) 



    Warning!  This post contains atrocious spelling, and terrible grammar.  Approach with extreme edginess.

  • Thanks Lynette and Paul. Still night time at Decorah but 40,000 viewers. Astonishing!!.

    Annette : A pip is a tiny hole in the egg that the chick makes with its egg tooth when trying to hatch.


  • Unknown said:
    Sheila – glad you had a good time at Fowlmere – lunch and RSPB.   Habitat management by grazing does seem to catching on at several reserves now.  Competition entries up to about 20th , then public exhibition of top 15 in each category (kids, teens, adults) that weekend for a public vote, and then results 26th April – by which time I shall probably have forgotten I entered!!
    Talking of which – here is Mr Canada Goose in aggressive pose – and honking:
    And here watching over Mrs Canada Goose:

    Now that is interesting OG.  As we watched the two Canada geese on a pond I asked OH how could we tell the difference.  We could only see that one had a thicker neck.  Are their any other tell-tale signs?  In your second photo perhaps was the ever watchful stance of one?

    Birdie's DU Summaries 2018   https://www.imagicat.com/

  • Oh Annette, chasing off a raccoon!  I guess it's a bit like us seeing of a fox at night, but how amazing!  I have some Heuchera in the garden, but never quite know where to put it, or indeed whether it really likes alkaline soil.  I have a dark pinky leafed one which doesn't really like full sun.

    Birdie's DU Summaries 2018   https://www.imagicat.com/

  • Wonderful photos Heron and Lynette.  Mum eagle is fast asleep at present, in the middle of the night.

    Lynette so sorry to hear about your trip to A&E in the early hours.  I hope you OH is more comfortable now and that the MRI scan explains the problems and they can be sorted.

    Eight fallow deer are walking across the wheat field, two fields away!  Playing follow my leader.

    Birdie's DU Summaries 2018   https://www.imagicat.com/

  • Hi

    Alan:  Thanks for the explanation on pipping.  I had began to think that pipping reffered to calls from the chick while it was still in the egg during the hatching proccess.  Ornitholgy is pure magic! :-)

    Sheila:  It's amazing the amount of bird speices where we can only tell the differance between male and female when they are together.  Just looked up Fallow Deer on Google Images.  Beautiful creatures.


    Warning!  This post contains atrocious spelling, and terrible grammar.  Approach with extreme edginess.

  • ALICAT  see your page

  •  Good morning all my time watching only time for a fairly short visit as for the first time OH in many weeks OH is not working this weekend so must spend some time with him. 


    Just a few mentions:


    Lynette  sorry to read that you had to make a visit to A & E such a shame you OH has to wait another week before geting is scan.  Hope pain has eased for him now.  Thanks too for the Decorah pics I managed to watch yesterday when the egg first pipped,. amazing how long it takes for the little one to break free.


    Heron thaniks to you for your Decorah pics.


    LindybirdB  do enjoy your visit to Sweet Pea, hope you have a lovely day.


    dibnlib we are going to see Michael Feinstein in London.  American pianist and singer who sings all the old standards.  Really looking forward to this apart from getting home so late afterwards.


    Having gone to see Lenny Henry with a few misgivings have to say we really enjoyed it.  He was very funny and finished his show singing soul music with backing musicians, even had a dance at the end.


    Hope everyone has a good weekend and weather will perk up everywhere.


    Billy still has the devil in him and as I type he is sitting on our patio having a good wash wondering what his next move could be I suspect.


  • Bocelli  hope you have a great day at the Falconery Centre.  My OH gave me a voucher to to the one in the New Forest which I will be going to later this year.
