Morning all; dinner time here - well getting close - off to check the options; back to catch up later.
Alan What a beautiful tree. Nothing that far advanced here.
Hello patriciat how are you and OH now.
Brighton peregrines have an egg, have just seen it.
jsb thats interesting but I have Windows 7 and have a "favourites" tool bar in which I put in all my favourites. One heading is for the RSPB and all the webcams and blogs under Loch Garten Ospreys goes in it. I just have to click on RSPB and the column drops down for choice.
I also have a bookmarks site on Google so I suppose I could put them in that in theory?
RSPB Giving Nature a Home
Lindybird - just picked up that its your OH's birthday - HAPPY BIRTHDAY to him . Oh yes, musn't forget the glass of something, hiccup, hiccup.
LYNETTE What a shock for you. Hope OH is better soon.
Can't quite believe Lady is back again. she must be a feisty old bird!!!
George, nice to hear from you again, glad your son and his wife had a nice visit and I'm sure they enjoyed the company of Diesel.
Annette - so sorry to hear about your G.son but trust that it is now on the mend. Just got to find out how to treat it for the next week.
Cirrus - badly cut finger heh! Hope it gets better soon so that you can type once again.
Just watching the osp at Manton, LG dead as a do do and can't get the cam up at LOtL
dibnib wrote -Can't quite believe Lady is back again. she must be a feisty old bird!!!
It is amazing isn't it. Have ordered the book from LOtL and they will let me know how to pay when I receive it.
I believe Laird has also returned so the pair complete. We only need Odin to return but at present all is quiet.
Lynette so sorry to hear about your OH. I hope it soon dissipates and the pain gets better quickly.
Sounded as though three jets flew overhead, the nest appeared empty (but my screen may have been buffering), when she called in disgust of the noise! She is now on the nest with what looks like the tail-end of today's fish.
Birdie's DU Summaries 2018
EJ back on the nest and tucking in.
Caught this scene at Lily's - all fast asleep