Daily Update, Saturday March 26 2011

Hi all; Haven't had time to check any of today's posts; will do that soon.  (Looks like there's stil a clump there to me.... but it is dark.)

  • jayceep said:

    Definitely rain, whats new, here we go again.

    Either that or the crossbills tap dancing on the mike :-)


    I'm fairly sure I saw a couple Chaffinches carrying a bass drum, some toms, a high-hat, and a few cymbols of varying sizes a few minutes ago ;-)

    I must admit that the soud of rain on the LG webcam has replaced rain on a tent as the most recognisable weather based sound in my life LOL.



    So funny Heron77, how about rain hammering on a caravam roof with the seagulls tapdancing at the same time...this could run and run. Has EJ gone to roost for the night already?



  • Heron77 said:

    Hi Jan.

    To do bold text, the best way is to type out all the words, then highlight the one you want bold and press CTRL and B.  Do this again to go back to normal text.  For itallics press CTRL and I.  Again repeat this to go back to normal text.  Unhighlight the changed text before changing back to normal text.

    Hope this helps :-)



    Thats helpful Paul, I often did wonder how some of you got bold type and the normal. Must try it some time

  • OG: I shall have a go with my camera tomorrow too.

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