Hi all; Haven't had time to check any of today's posts; will do that soon. (Looks like there's stil a clump there to me.... but it is dark.)
I haven't been on here since this morning, so just wanted to thank you all for your nest observations/pictures and your great sense of humour.Nest is still empty and all is quiet except for the mic. noise. I thought they got rid of that last year.
Paul and Jan what a laugh!
Unknown said: Paul and Jan what a laugh!
Nice to be daft sometimes isn't it Trish, join in any time you want, we could start the most interesting daft, annoying noise competition, which I think Paul holds the trophy for so far!!
EJ flew in to say "See you in the morning."
Warning! This post contains atrocious spelling, and terrible grammar. Approach with extreme edginess.
and that is just what it looked like too lol
Can anyone tell me how to do some words in bold please??
Hi Jan.
To do bold text, the best way is to type out all the words, then highlight the one you want bold and press CTRL and B. Do this again to go back to normal text. For itallics press CTRL and I. Again repeat this to go back to normal text. Unhighlight the changed text before changing back to normal text.
Hope this helps :-)
Heron77 said: Hi Jan. To do bold text, the best way is to type out all the words, then highlight the one you want bold and press CTRL and B. Do this again to go back to normal text. For itallics press CTRL and I. Again repeat this to go back to normal text. Unhighlight the changed text before changing back to normal text. Hope this helps :-) Paul.
Oh thank you for that Paul, here goes, hope it works
Hurrah, yippeeee
I wish the LG elves would show up again and do something about the dreaded, and recently returned hummmmmm.