As EJ prepares to leave for the journey south what are your thought? Has this been her best season ever or does she still harbour feelings for OVS and Henry?

  • Well, Tiger, this is the only season  I've known but I would say it surely has to be one of the very best. Faithful mate, good provider, and three fully fledged and very healthy beautiful offspring.  I just can't believe she would still harbour 'feelings ' for ANY of her mates after Odin. She's a  'moving on ' gal and despite Henry being Henry Odin has more than proved himself. So, no, I stand by my statement that EJ does not harbour any feelings for any except Odin.

  • It'll be so interesting next spring, to see who EJ favours when they come a'courting. You would like to think that she should welcome Odin with open  wings, after he has proved to be such a perfect mate, but with women, you never know, do you!!?  I'm afraid that if you compare with human values, we girls often choose the 'wrong' one, though from outside a relationship it's sometimes not obvious as to why.

  • Looking back on last year there is no comparison - Odin has to be the main man!  Such a difference in the quantity of fish Odin has brought to the nest to look after his chicks.  What sterling stuff he is made of.  Fingers crossed he comes back next year and produces more chicks with the same genes as our girls.

  • This year, whatever her feelings for previous partners, EJ is probably realizing what she has been missing. Odin has youth on his side and has been a true and faithful partner. Also a good provider for their family. The only thing I think she may criticize is that he needs to bring in bigger fish when you have three hungry, fast growing chicks. She is superb at catching 'whales'. She is obviously worried about her daughters or she would have left by now. Does she not trust Odin to see to her family before they leave but she did leave Nethy and Deshar with OVS !!  For me EJ has always been the Star of this show and I find it hard to think of her not being at LG whoever her partner is, although I do hope it will be EJ and Odin next year.

  • This is my first year with EJ. She's obviously a survivor and good parent/provider. I think Rothes must take after her. I do wish EJ were tagged - it would be fascinating to see her travels. I keep forgetting how long the backpacks last, but (in a perfect world) if she were tagged, we'd be able to anticipate her arrival next spring!

  • Having followed this year and last there is no comparison. EJ has been the perfect mum and with Odin the Magnificent delivering the fish she has had a great season. So good in fact that she is reluctant to leave this year. She really looks well and is still enjoying feeding her offspring whereas last year she could not wait to leave. EJ the perfect mum.

  • I have been following EJ for some years now, avidly for the last four and I can only describe my feeling for her in one simple word.........love. I follow several other nests including Loch of the Lowes and the Brassenthwaite Lake District, and Rutland but they don't evoke the same feeling in me as I have for the LG nest and  EJ. Even though Brassenthwaite is the only one I have actually been to see for real. When EJ arrives in early spring I am so relieved and joyful and when she leaves again in late summer a piece of me goes (anxiously)  with her. She is special.


    Sorry......................rather mushy but it's how I feel :)

  • Foxtail;   I've only followed EJ over last year and this, so not as much knowledge of her as you. However you've made me feel guilty that in my comments above I've not mentioned her good points, as she is certainly an exceptional mother and has moved me on many occasions. I'll be watching and holding my breath next spring to see if she takes up residence on the same nest: she really is special.

  • I think this has been the best season for EJ I can remember.  I've been following the adventures of EJ and her "families" since 2004 when we just used to be able to get the Warden's Diary and then the still pics.  She has got to be such a proud lady and is obviously in no rush to go south this year.  She has a superb mate in Odin and has produced 3 wonderful girls, all with different strong points, fit and healthy.  It's going to be a rollercoaster the minute she arrives back next Spring.  Think we'll all be rooting for Odin to rush back too so they can get together quickly.  God speed they both make it back safe and sound.

  • Yes but why have people forgotten that EJ had a perfectly good year in 2004 and raised three healthy chicks. Ok it was not on streaming video but I doubt if the chicks were any less well fed in 2004 than in 2009.