I know it's not all over yet (sniff...) but I just want to take this opportunity to thank Annette for starting the Daily Update threads each morning whilst we're all still snoring our heads off. I really appreciate it and I know others do.
Thank you VERY much Annette :-) xx
Thank you also to everyone else who has contributed along the way. I think they've worked out ok and hopefully will give many something to look back over during the winter months.
Make the most of today because, unlike Sky+, there isn't a rewind button.
Hear, hear, Paula. We really have appreciated Annette's interesting and descriptive blogs of what is going on when we have to break off to eat and sleep! Also to everyone else who has contributed so much to make this such a lively and friendly site. (including of course a lot of your photos Paula)
It has been a good season for us all and there are a lot more people on here since last year. It is great that we had three chicks surviving this year :-)
Here is a pic of Holly Hobby, she is a special little bird!
If nothing goes right, go left! :-)
Yes - I agree - it's been good to have Annette on night watch - thanks from me too.
Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!
I agree Paula - thanks to Annette for starting us off each day. BUT also thank you to you Paula -not only for your sensible comments but also for the very funny ones that you post when activity is minimal - you can always make us smile.
Libby :o)
I'd like to add my thanks to Annette for the Daily update ... one of the first things I do in the morning when I log on, to find out what's been happening ... even if its nothing!
Joan - avid bird and nature watcher in Northumberland!
Index Thread
Thanks to Annette from all on Tracy Island. It is reassuring to know that someone is keeping an eye on our osprey family when others are asleep. F.A.B.
I'd like to say thank you to Annette as well. Interesting and entertaining. Keep up the superb pictures as well whoever brings them up - have a lovely portfolio to look at in the winter months.
RSPB Giving Nature a Home
Thank you Annette for being our night watchman(woman) especially in the days when we all wanted to know the early morning fish reports. Obviously, you can't retire yet as we just don't know what . is yet, still to come.
Oh dear. So sweet of you all - but each and every one of you would do the same if you were here. In danger of getting teary-eyed (doesn't take much!).
Thank YOU all for what I've learned over the last few weeks; everybody adds a special something, whether it's photos, hard-core data, silly remarks, good questions that help us all.
Cue Land of Hope and Glory! :-)
And of course, not forgetting the troops on Tracy Island! Where would we all be without them. I'm sure they were the ones who helped find my missing sock....