Evening/Morning all: Another week! This keeps happening. Checked out the sky tonight but no moon, just more low cloud and rain. Went to Botanic Garden with friend for putter today and got rained on. Two years ago the Garden was severely damaged in the Jesusita Fire and even though you can see the charred lower trunks of the trees, the tops appear to be thriving and the ground below the trees is jammed with new growth, mainly cheerful Canyon sunflowers in full bloom. An amazing sight so soon after such a destructive fire. On another note, granddaughter, baby, and OH now home and a bit anxious about being "alone" with tiny person, though daughter has been there most of the day.
ChrisyB: Hi there. Don't worry about keeping up - I think it's going to get harder for everyone. Good that the owls are safe and cared for.
Margobird: My sister and her OH went to Malta one year to get some sun and ran into the worst winter storm the island had for years. During the gale, the French doors on the balcony of their hotel room blew open and shattered and rain poured in, then the power went out. Definitely not the "cruise" they signed up for!
jsb: I did as you suggested and - hey presto! - there's the nest. Thank you so much! Thing is, I still can't see it on the RSPB's Loch Garten Live page. Have looked at all kinds of dialog boxes and can't ID which box I should check or un-check. It's all so complicated.
SheilaFE: Welcome back! Hope you had a great time.
Chloe: That's a lovely shot of the moon, regardless of its perigee-ness!
Alan: Amazing shots of Mr. and Mrs. Eagle feeding their kiddies. They must've been to parenting classes.
Gary: Hectic eh? I can only imagine! (I have a photo of my grandson at age 9 months fast asleep under a chair after a busy afternoon exploring the living room).
patriciat: New little girl has very "big" name of Delilah Grace. Not sure how I feel about that - the only Delilah I know of had a boyfriend called Samson and their relationship was more than a little dysfunctional, Still, yet another opportunity to be flexible and keep my mouth shut. :-)
Very heavy rain forecast for tomorrow; in a way that would be good, since I have lots of things to sort through to either sell or send to local charity groups and hate to be indoors when the sun is out.
Who knows what the next week will bring? :-)
Welcome back hazelwoods - have you tried using your left hand instead just to confuse them!!A few pics taken earlier. It looks like a dead bird at Derby but managed to capture one on the other cam alive. Correct me if I'm wrong.
RSPB Giving Nature a Home
Just caught the eagles at Hornby Island. Nest furniture rearranging - that no doubt will be happening soon at LG
partner crowded out and jumped onto wooden perch.
Hi everyone.
Lynette - Lovely pics of eagles at Hornby Island rearranging the furniture. LOL. Can't wait to watch EJ and Odin preparing their bijou residence for this season's brood. Congrats Annette on the safe arrival of grand-daughter's baby Delilah. Love the way you use your infinite wisdom to keep out of things/remain silent. This wisdom is one of the attributes of "great" grandma. Have enjoyed reading everyone's blogs during the quiet period and will increase my attendance in the next few weeks as the season progresses. The excitement is building. Emma x
Unknown said: AQ: . . . . . Never heard of fairy penguins; what on earth has caused such a drop in their numbers? Sounds like restricting access to the causeway is a bit like shutting the stable door after the horse has gone at this point.
AQ: . . . . . Never heard of fairy penguins; what on earth has caused such a drop in their numbers? Sounds like restricting access to the causeway is a bit like shutting the stable door after the horse has gone at this point.
They seem to have been renamed - I grew up calling them fairy penguins. More info on http://www.graniteisland.com.au/index.html. Vandals take delight in harming them. Also attacks from cats, dogs, rats & fur seals. The latest news is that some people are stealing them. Who in their right mind would want a penguin in their backyard? Closing the causeway at night will keep out stupid humans and allow them to breed in peace. BTW they are the same penguins as on Phillip Island in Victoria.
Evening all: We had almost 6 inches of rain here by the coast since last night. Amazing. OH and I were out in ankle-high water this morning cleaning out a drain in the garden that backed up - all sorted in pretty good time. Up in the hills, they had almost 12 inches of rain! Twice as amazing! The authorities at Lake Cachuma were calling ranches - including the one where Miss Molly is boarded - advising owners to move their stock to higher areas because they had to release some water from the dam. Miss Molly was already tucked up in the barn far away from the river. It's eased up now, but we have about 7 days of rain ahead; fortunately nothing like this is on the horizon! Not sure what it all means for whale counting tomorrow. It may depend on the visibility.
AQ: I just checked the penguins - how cute! So visitors create problems? Keep them out I say.
Emma Peel: Nice to see you. How is Steed these days?
Spoke to granddaughter today - baby slept from 10 p.m. until 6 a.m. this morning, so she and OH got some much-needed rest too. She said they were a bit worried and wondered if they should wake her up to feed, then decided to let sleeping babies lie. Wonder if they'll get a repeat performance tonight. This morning OH rather plaintively asked if I was planning on doing any ironing this weekend; since it's gone 8 p.m., had better get myself in gear. Hope there's something worth watching on telly.....
Hi, all. I hope everyone had a nice weekend!
I've been doing some research on copyright and intellectual property law. I'm working on a project that is completely unrelated to this blog, so this post is not a criticism of anyone on this site. As an editor, I've always had to stay up-to-date on copyright and related issues in print and on the web. But I've now realized that these laws are getting increasingly complicated.
I've always been very careful to choose only photos that were clearly stated to be in the "public domain" or "copyright free" for use on this blog. But this area of law is just getting so darned muddy that I'm not going to risk posting anything in the future.
So...I've decided not to post anymore images, photos, or screen captures on this site or anywhere else. I'll only post an image if I am the photographer or creator. My digital camera died a horrible death during my last move, so I don't have a lot of recent photos. :-( Dang it! So that means I won't be posting any more birthday cards, etc. I wanted to be sure to explain so that no one's feelings will be hurt. I adore you all, and I didn't want anyone to take my decision personally. End of my legal rant! :-)))
Edit: I even changed my avatar! I'll get a new one when I install my new printer/scanner next week and scan in some of my own photographs.
EJ returned 26/3 in 2010 and 25/3 in 2009 - think it may be weekend before we see her at least - another cold spell looming!!
For those interested in the Super Moon - try this for some good photos http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-12799686
Re Fairy Penguins - when I saw them at Bicheno in Tasmania, we were told by the guides that they had been renamed "Litttle" as the F word was politically incorrect!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hi, Liz. thanks for the Super Moon link. I never got to see it. We've had nothing but clouds and rain here. Darn it! I think all Full Moons are glorious! :-)
Annette: That's a lot of rain, my friend!!! Sheesh. Are you going to build an ark? Seriously, will you be safe? If I got that much rain, my creek would float me all the way to the Mississippi River. LOL I like the name Delilah Grace. It's a strong, adventurous name. She'll grow up to be an explorer or an astronaut or something. Will they call her "Del" for short?
Everyone have a good Monday.
Belated Happy Birthday, Sheila.
I’m somewhat disorganised today (so what’s new?). We’ve been down to get undercoat & a wee tin of paint to test colour in situ. I am still sore from washing down one wall yesterday. Previous owners marked wall with thick black line for their wallpaper. It does come off with sugar soap & elbow grease. Washing got put in garage as more rain promised but it didn’t. Probably won't dry at all. Last night we had 34 mm rain - it was pouring. OK nothing like yours, Annette, but we are pleased. I must clear the decks, as they say, so I can spend hours nest-gazing. Can’t be long now.Who is asking me anyway, I would shorten Delilah to Leila, my grandmother’s pet name. How they got Leila from Eliza, I know not.
AQ: You're very wise to test your paint color. It always amazes me how a paint chip can look one color in the store and then look totally different in my house. This house is kind of dark inside. I've never heard of sugar soap. Does it really contain sugar? Glad you're getting some rain.
Lynette: Happy Spring to you, too!!! Your little pink blossoms are just so lovely! Can't wait until my apple tree starts to blossom and have fruit. Love the smell of the blossoms.