A very strange incident seems to have happened at the Nova Scotia nest. Both the chicks had fledged and then one of them was found dead a few days later. See website.
Tiger Signature
Aw, that is very sad!
Yes it is, very sad and very odd too for a seemingly healthy and fully fledged juve to be found like that.
ChloeB & Tiger's Osprey Data
Sad news indeed Tiger
Hard to understand how a fully fledged bird would fall to it's death, unless it hit something before it had time to spread it's wings. So sorry to read about such a tragedy.
Videos of the ringing at Tweed Valley:
I just noticed that Tweed Valley put the darvic rings on the right leg.
Unknown said: Videos of the ringing at Tweed Valley: tweedvalleyospreys.blogspot.com I just noticed that Tweed Valley put the darvic rings on the right leg.
Very interesting, Alan. Not great quality vids, but all too rarely seen footage of the ringing process.
Alan - Can not understand this. I have the still pictures of ZN, ZP and ZK being ringed - you can view these on older pages of the Tweed Valley diary. They were ringed by Licensed Ringer - Tony Lightley and Ringer - Ronnie Graham they may have to explain what happened. I have been informed this year was going to be fully controlled all with Blue Rings (English/Welsh - Right Leg) & (Scottish - Left Leg) - I assume Roy has overall control regarding register of Darvik Ring. I all understood from my informant that they would now be changing the colour each year are you aware of this.
Maybe these birds will vote in the referendum against Sottish Independence if Mr Salmon gets his way.
Hazel b said: A very strange incident seems to have happened at the Nova Scotia nest. Both the chicks had fledged and then one of them was found dead a few days later. See website.
Tiger Hasn't something like this happened at Loch Garten in the past? A look down the year-by-year list on p.23 of "A Life of Ospreys" suggests that it was in 1990, when "two chicks later died", but you probably know more.
Unknown said: A very strange incident seems to have happened at the Nova Scotia nest. Both the chicks had fledged and then one of them was found dead a few days later. See website.
Yes both Loch Garten fledglings did die in 1990. Ollie was the new male in residence at the time and he got the blame for not supplying enough fish. In view of Ollie's later fishing feats that seems a bit unlikely. Unfortunately we do not have a lot of information about what happened in 1990.
It might be useful if someone were to ask Roy Dennis about it sometime.