Rachel Are you on Facebook? Heather Corfield and I had a conversation on Facebook about this very topic sometime back. We discovered that there is an error in "Life of Ospreys" p 159 regarding the Welshpool female. The fact that the Welshpool female had a ring Red 6J does suggest that she was ringed about the same time as Nimrod. However as we have seen the ringing is not always logical.
Tiger Signature
Yes Tiger - I remember seeing that discussion (probably also where I picked up on the speculation re Monty's origins), and have the corrected details noted.
Rachel R said: Yes Tiger - I remember seeing that discussion (probably also where I picked up on the speculation re Monty's origins), and have the corrected details noted.
You are right there was DNA samples taken in 1999 for definite and in 2005
Many thanks to all that have contributed to my original query regarding the three at Nest O - Rutland Water. Just guessing I thought maybe the orphaned chick may have not been the survivor if only 3/4 were ringed or survived. If one of the original three born in the nest had perished it is possible putting four in a nest may have contributed to this. Did RW not consider placing the orphan in Nest B which only had one offspring or do they not consider 03(97) a good provider as had been suggested a couple of years back. Similar had been done in Scotland but Roy chose orphan nests with one/two offspring. However it is great to see a nest of three fledge very rare this year in my part of the world.
I would like the orphan chick to have survived as a legacy to 08(97) in his last year. If any one hears of DNA confirmation let us all know. Once again thanks to all for your assistance.
Hazel b said: Yes Tiger - I remember seeing that discussion (probably also where I picked up on the speculation re Monty's origins), and have the corrected details noted.
[/quote]Much better to be DNAed with feathers these days rather than the blood samples they took then.
ChloeB & Tiger's Osprey Data
Keith one of the two year olds that returned to Rutland this year was a chick of 8 (97) and 5N (04) He is blue 03 (09)
3 (97) has an incredible record. He is the father of AW I think it was a same stage of development issue.
Hi Keith,
The explanation given was:
"The Site O nest was chosen for two reasons – AW(06) and his Scottish mate raised three good chicks last year, and more importantly, the three eggs were due to hatch at exactly the same time as the Site N youngster-ensuring that there was no ‘bullying’. The chick hatched and looked in excellent condition when we check four days later.
Sadly one of the brood of four chicks did not survive, but when we ringed the remaining three youngsters, one looked noticeably whiter-headed than the others. 08′s chicks always had a very white head and so there seems every chance that the fostered chick has survived – we’ll know for sure once we get the results of DNA tests. At the very least we have shown that artificial incubation of Osprey eggs is possible and that the birds will accept foster eggs/chicks..........but we do not think that a lack of food is to blame. Ospreys have raised four chicks in Scotland and North America and we know that AW is a very good fisherman."
See www.ospreys.org.uk/site-o-update
Many thanks Vespa Crabro and indeed many nests have had four chicks. Grampian Ringers ringed four very healthy chicks from a nest near home last year - I think it was a first for them again the male must have been a good provider just like Maroon AA/Blue AW. It is great that an attempt was made to artificially incubate the eggs and if one survived which you expect this is absolutely great - I was aware from nests in Scotland that fostering is successful. I was just inquisitive and many weeks ago when this was done was very much hoping it would be a success as every one is. Many thanks for your information it is much appreciated and adds to my encyclopedia - we learn every day from these birds.
Vespa Crabo - Went on your link - never knew of the O Nest update - I always went on News to Manton and Nest B but never have seen Nest O news. I have now read it and had I known I would not have asked the question but again thank you for the answer and now link.
Vespa Crabo, Thank you very much for that, I did read when the egg was incubated and placed with 3 other chicks and then 4 in the nest. I did see that picture. I did wonder and have not been able to read anything since. Very sad only 3 have survived but if the incubated chick has survived then that is truly remarkable.
I now realise why I have not read anything since it was posted and there is an O update.
Really pleased I have looked in on here now.