Some interesting news from the Lake District. Apparently there was a second nest last year:
  • Just had news from one of my Grampian Ringers friend - information that a lot of the nests they visit to ring have failed this year which I think we are all aware of. For obvious reasons can not name the individual nests that have failed and the ones that have been partially successful. I think the hurricane we had up here in May just occured at the wrong time completely destroying nests or chasing off incubating Ospreys at a critical time of incubation even though only temporarily. I think this is why the female at Aberfoyle left her nest during the storms. Many of the man made nests survived but Osprey own builds do not look as strong in some cases very fragile.

    We also had persistant cold and wet weather afterwards at the particular wrong time also resulting in unhatched eggs.

  • Thanks Keith that confirms what I suspected given my sample of nests. There is good news however as the sightings in June are up 100%  on 2010 which would tend to indicate that there are a lot of 2 year olds around and should bode well for next year.