Weekly Chat, Sunday March 13, 2011

  • AQ and Annette: Just for you, an episode of "The Adventures of Ruth Harrison, Reference Librarian" from Prairie Home Companion. And it even mentions Australia! (6 and half minutes).   LOLOLOLOL


  • Happy St Patricks Day,

    Morning has started dull yet again, not quite as dull as yesterday but duller than the day before and the forecast for tomorrow is for a change................rain!!! Temp at the moment is 4.6c. Never mind it did not deter the blackbird from singing this morning at 5:30am.

    Shopping mission on the cards today so better get my chain mail and suit of armour for the battle ahead.

    Happy birthday to Eagle Eye.

    Lesley: I have replied on your page.

    Cirrus : I not sure if today was definately mentioned by LG for the big switch on. I think an assumption may have been made because it was the 17th last year. A new Daily page will be essential when the ospreys arrive.

    Thanks to everyone else for the chat etc.

    There is a whole load of egg news. You can find the latest on the nesting calendars:


  • Joan - avid bird and nature watcher in Northumberland!

    Index Thread


  • What a wonderful picture of one of 'our' Goldies Djoan! Although I did enjoy the great picture of the Bald Eagle too !! Oh, and although we are new to each other  'Happy Birthday' EagleEye.

    Alan - very many thanks for your input on camera dates. I expect everyone knows the following but I've just been looking at the Abernethy feeder and found this message.

    ''Sorry! We're having some technical problems with our webcams at Loch Garten. Please bear with us and normal service will be resumed as soon as possible.''

  • DjoanS. Thanks for card.  Very apt to show a Goldie.  A long time ago I was a Scout in the Eagle Patrol, and as Patrol Leader I was called Golden Eagle!

    Dibnlib & Cirrus. Thanks for mentions.  As OH of OG, I don't usually post much, but then today is 'my day' - even if I have to share it with St Patrick.  There is no Irish in our family history as far as we know!

  • Hey, OG. Please forgive my rotten memory, but I can't remember which day you're leaving and when you're returning. I know I should remember, but my brain isn't firing on all cylinders lately. If I don't "talk" to you before you go, have a WONDERFUL time. So glad that you got the solar panels all finished. Yay! That has to be a relief. It sounds like a very nice and effective system.

    dibnlib: Glad you had such a lovely day yesterday. Very tranquil. Please send me a strawberry and cream scone for my breakfast! That sounds good!

    Paul: Your weather rant must have worked here, too! It's supposed to be a very warm and welcome 21.1 C or 70 F here today. And sunny!!! Woo-hoo! Next I'll be whinging about having to cut the grass. LOL

    Chloe: Beautiful amaryllises! Tiger: Thanks for links!
    Alicat: I meant to say congratulations on the "fledging" of your little fish. :-)
    Patricia: Hope you're recovering!
    Annette: I'll bet your garden is picture-perfect! Any baby news?
    Hi to Joan, Brenda, Lynette, Alan, Heather, Terry, George, and all. Welcome back, Cirrus!

    Well, it's nearly 6:45 AM here, and the crows are waking up. CAW CAW CAW I'd better think about being productive today!


  • Just managed to log after decoding daughters open hub pin code. My goodness what a lot to catch up and I will read through later.

    Bath is sunny today so we are off to Westonbirt Arboretum for a walk and strech mt back after my 10 hour trip down. Left at my intended time (4.30) and the roads were clear of snow and traffic as far as Perth. The dawn coming up over Drumochter Pass and bouncing off the snow was stunning. That was the highlight as after that it was fog and mist for 450 miles.

    Great to catch up with eldest and she has taken a couple of days off which is even nicer. Nice pub meal last night and I got up earlier than her and took Dylan her basset out for a walk. Well not a walk really as with his body design more of an amble.

    Everyone have a nice day whatever you are up to, if you have a birthday well happy birthday and if you are feeling poorly get well soon.

  • Hi Diane over The Pond - don't be too productive - enjoy some leisure time too!

    WendyB .... have a great day at the  Aboretum.



    I'm all ready for the start of the osprey watching - hopefully everything will be better this year  with no traumatic experiences for any of our birds, better weather & (this one is particularly for me ) no computer problems.  I couldn't get the webcams working properly for a while (coincided with Lady's illness - so that was OK as I didn't want to watch that) then the laptop packed up altogether.  I've replaced it with a desktop PC, so no more early morning nest watching for me.

    I'm not making any plans to try & get up to LG this year, (haven't been up for well over 10years) but I hope to make a couple of trips into Wales.



  • Unknown said:



    I'm all ready for the start of the osprey watching - hopefully everything will be better this year  with no traumatic experiences for any of our birds, better weather & (this one is particularly for me ) no computer problems.  I couldn't get the webcams working properly for a while (coincided with Lady's illness - so that was OK as I didn't want to watch that) then the laptop packed up altogether.  I've replaced it with a desktop PC, so no more early morning nest watching for me.

    I'm not making any plans to try & get up to LG this year, (haven't been up for well over 10years) but I hope to make a couple of trips into Wales.



    Jay-Me   Welcome back. A traumatic free season. That would be  a novelty. Usually there is more than one trauma in a season. In the days of Henry, OVS and EJ we were assured one every season.